Saturday, October 21, 2006

OFFICIAL: I am not a Nerd

I am nerdier than 23% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!


  1. I don't believe it...46

    If everything else, I am not a farkin nerd.

  2. Thanks Iain - I scored 95 which makes me a Supreme Nerd God, apparently.

    All these years of trying to look cool and one test finds me out...

  3. n n n n n nineteen

    am i a chav?

  4. Not nerdy but definitely not hip. Nothing really.

  5. My score was a 1% variance on dizzy's score.

  6. 45? Oh dear. I'll get my coat...

  7. 16 - Must try harder

  8. I thought all the people contributing to this blog were sharp, cutting-edge thinkers, holding down proper jobs and proper lives. I don't know why, but I just did. The truth (that you are all nerds, sitting around unshaven in greying Y-fronts) comes as a bit of a shock.

    This is like a Philip K Dick story.

    I got 9, which means I am "probably cool". I'll accept that, even from an insentient machine, as I don't get it very often.

    I'll have to move to a cooler blog.

  9. 53.
    Lower than expected.
    However, I suspect the nerd index rises by having knowledge of the physical sciences, which to my mind is what raises an individual above the barely sentient level of a Daily Mail columnist.

    No science and one is liable to become concerned/conned by the relentless (and usually unfounded or at least grossly exaggerated) scare stories or 'scientific breakthroughs' misrepresented by the MSM.

  10. Supreme nerd ... 94%! Not surprising really - work in IT and have a science degree! And by Gad proud of it!

  11. I was doing alright until I found a pair of dirty socks I took off last night and forgot about. That bumped my score up to 46! Hey at least I'm wearing boxers.

  12. 96 and proud of it

  13. i got 5 - "probably cool". Does that make me stupid, or just not a nerd?

  14. Believe it or not, I am "4: Definitely not a nerd, probably cool."

  15. Unfortunately this is addictive. I scored 35%, worse than you but still non-nerd. I was mortified when my wife scored 9% and was rated "cool".

  16. Way too high my score. Computers are typewriters with browsers attached, right?

    But then of course I know the names of the elements. I'm a bloody metals trader aren't I.

    Silly test.

  17. oi . Censored again .I must be the coolest.The yellow flag of "Les Billetts Jaunes" is aloft.

  18. I am disappointed.

    Somewhat nerdy. I mean face it, you are nerdier than about half the test takers.

    I mean what does this say about the rest of you. Never realised I was so 'normal'!

  19. 16 -

    I never realised so many nerdlingers read Iain Dale...

  20. Well, Cool Feline, I got a 7 - and I only scored that high because of a couple of lucky guesses.

  21. I scored 17 which means I am not a nerd at all, thank god. However I am not sure it does not also mean I am a little thick.

  22. 61, (nearly same as my age) = Low Ranking Nerd (still hope I guess) LOL

  23. I got 51 only - the science stuff threw me ... Is there a better Policy Wonk test I can take ?

  24. 97 - is that good?

    I'm not sure this is a Nerd test though. Some of the questions are fair but assuming all nerds know too much science is not.

    Surely knowing too much political history would count? Or too much literature? Or most important, too much economic theory?
