Saturday, September 09, 2006

Iain Dale to be John Reid's Chief of Staff

According to my former David Davis campaign colleague William Norton, I am rumoured to be John Reid's new Chief of Staff. I don't know who should be more alarmed, him or me. For William's tongue in cheek guide to the Labour leadership race on ConservativeHome, click HERE.


  1. So that rules Reid out, right?

  2. Dave will love you for that - the perfect centre left Tory!

    Look forward to your appointment in '09 as Home Secretary

  3. Iain "Hang em" Dale has a certain ring to it ....

  4. You and the 'Commie Drunk' should be fun!

  5. Don't take any shite Iain..he is just like the small kid who is the gang leader...seems tough but a dig will put him in his place, and you are the man to do it.
