Monday, July 03, 2006

Prescott the Working Class Hero No More

Judging from the three phone calls I have had from political journalists this morning, John Prescott's weekend jaunt to the home of Dome owner Philip Anschutz may turn out to be his undoing. The Times reports this morning that Prescott's donation to charity in lieu of paying for overnight accommodation came from the taxpayer and not Prescott himself! There was a time when working class hero John Prescott would rather have slept on a park bench than accept hospitality from a billionaire. Power has indeed corrupted absolutely.

I have to admit that I missed this as a story last Wednesday. I was tipped off about it but missed the significance. As you can imagine, both my legs are very sore this morning from the number of times they have kicked each other. But I shall now make up for it. If anyone has a new angle on this, please do let me know.

I do have a new line of inquiry on it. Perhaps someone out there could englighten me as to how to do a Freedom of Information request with the DCMS!


Anonymous said...

Why dont you find yourself an MP to do it for you ... how about the welsh DD, Nigel Evans or Chris Grayling .. seems like the kind of guys you need!


Anonymous said...

Fill in the online form...apparently

The Daily Pundit said...

I think Ellee Seymour knows a thing or two about the FOI.

Anonymous said...

A working class hero no more?

£10BN over the odds pumped into our NHS each and every year.

Every school knocked down. Refurbished or rebuilt.

Prezza did that.

Do you want to run the question again and see what the answer is?


Theo Spark said...

Maybe they needed someone to serve the gin and tonics. Steward!!

Andrew Ian Dodge said...

Did you see the Daily Politics and the pathetic defence from a friend of John's in the Lords.

It seems that its all a campaign of hatred against poor John. Its all the media's fault and its because he is working class.

Anonymous said...

"Working class"! How amusing! No one's used that phrase for years. The closest is Tony Blair's typically vapid "Hard working families" - as though there were families with children down the coal mines and shoeing horses.

Croydonian said...

Saw this in the Sunday Telegraph a while back (18/6):

"The survey also found that the number of MPs who once worked as manual labourers has fallen sharply. In 1987 nearly 12 per cent of MPs had a blue collar background, compared with 6.2 per cent today".

Anonymous said...

I see Guido has named the "other woman". The end is near for Prezza.

Anonymous said...

I see that Guido has got fed up with acting coy and is sharpening his gutting implements.

So - a working class hero who's as tight with his cash as that working class heroine with the horse-hair wig, who's hugger-mugger with filthy-rich purchasers of public property and is reputed to practice positive discrimination (at the public's expense) for 'old friends'.

Just one of the boys.
How sweet.

Anonymous said...

Croydonian has hit on a very good point.

politics is fucking up because those that are in position are making it for the boys and girls in the same club.

It's going to be the biggest fight in politics to shaft this lot once and for all.

'A' lists a women only lists is a dark cloud over politics and it's gone even further than that.

freemasons and political assistants are stitching up the system and keeping out hard working local candidates who know the local score.

They are using the system to stifle opposition and push forward undercover of political campaigning.
If it's a war they want, they've got one.You Torie are too daft not to notice the bias being played out under your noses.

Dr.Doom said...

Greed,corruption,nepotism,political assistnts, researchers,gophers,friends with glass coffee tables,nudge nudge and a wink there.

This is what I like and I'm glad it's in politics and wrecking it.


Serf said...

Every school knocked down. Refurbished or rebuilt.

Unfortunately Prezza as usual only managed the first half of the job :)

The Daily Pundit said...

I didn't think there was anything capable of knocking the handover timetable off course. This could. And I reckon if Prescott has to go he'll take Blair with him.

Could Gordon be in number 10 by September? Will Iain get the killer facts before Guido? Come on, Iain, we're relying on you.