Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Happy Independence Day to My USA Readers


  1. I love that song:

    "They can't take that away" - who? No-one wants to take Americans freedom away! They might want to kill them, or attack them (OK, so death can be a type of un-freedom, I take your point)

    "At least I know I'm free" - a bit like "OK, my house has burned down, but at least I've got rids of those ants in the kitchen" - kind of a backhanded compliment!

    But I still love America - love NYC anyway...

  2. Loved that Ian, although the Lee Greenwood orginal sounds a bit better! How about a bit of Johnny Cash?


  3. Oh dear, tears to the eyes. What's more, they honour those who died for their freedom - honour and remember them.

    This disgraceful "British" "government" tries to erase them. Where would you rather be?

  4. Tears to the eyes indeed!

    If I didn't know any better, I'd have thought the video was the work of somebody over at B3ta.com...

    Happy Independence Day to them and all that, but I'm still proud to do dignified and understated :) Not sure Rooney is, though...

  5. Thank you, Mr Dale.

  6. That's all very well but they've spelt honour wrong.

  7. Great, great stuff. Where do I sign up?

    Actually so many of them don't speak English that they need pop vids to get the general idea. Hilarious that if they watch this enough next stop is dishing out freedom in Bangdad, Kabul or New Orleans.

    Happy 4th!

  8. Indeed - I wil join in wishing a splendid 4th of July to Uncle Sam and all of his nephews and nieces.

  9. For all its exuberance & flaws, the United States represents so much that is the Good Lord's best hope for a struggling humanity in an often difficult world

    Your obedient servant etc

    G Eagle

  10. What a lot of sentimental rubbish. Free from, and to do, what? Is nobody 'free' unless they're american? What about the two million of their citizens rotting in their hideous prisons serving out sentences of breathtaking cruelty?
    We've got a dreadful government and everything that made me proud to be english is being destroyed, but I still thank God I'm not american.

  11. Please please please pass the sick bag.

    You guys seem to have an undying affection for hypocrisy. The american version of freedom has always been a tad one sided for me - as we have found out today. "Free the Nat West Three" I say.

    It doesn't have the same resonance as the "Shrewsbury 2" or the "Guildford 4" mind you.

  12. Is it today that Americans give thanks to France and Spain and The Netherlands for helping them break free of Britain and begin their wars of conquest against Canada ?

  13. I find the song slightly cringe worthy, but I suspect that is the singer.

    It is interesting to note that Tony Blair is doing his best to restrict our freedoms.

    Mind you I remember July the 4th for very different reasons. It was the day in 1976 when a large convoy of European expats (including my family and I) were escourted from Beirut to Damascus.

    On the same day as the raid on Entebbe. I wrote this peice on my blog:

  14. Maybe they'll celebrate by honouring their extradition agreements with the UK, or go mad and maybe hand over a few of NORAID gang? Or perhaps not.

  15. Thanks for that Iain. I wept unashamedly because it is so refreshing to be freely patriotic. It is so sneered at in this country and I despair that so many here don't even know the words to 'God Save The Queen'. It is a national disgrace. How can anyone allow racist thugs to hijack their flag? How can so many Brits have no knowledge of their own history?

    As one with dual citizenship, I am acutely aware of the foibles of both the US and the UK but I am still fiercely proud of both. For those who mock, I suggest they spend time in really repressive societies, of which there are plenty. Maybe then, they'll learn the meaning of liberty. Perhaps Mr. Walling and Byker would like a spell in Saudi. And if Mr. Walling's pride in being English is so weak that it is eroded by this discredited Government, he doesn't deserve to be here. I shall have to thank God every morning that HE is not American.

  16. "What about the two million of their citizens rotting in their hideous prisons serving out sentences of breathtaking cruelty..."

    Have you ever been inside an American prison? I have. Most of them are a freepass cakewalk. If you want good examples of "breathtaking cruelty," you might want to research the sorts of crimes that land prisoners there in the first place.

    Thank you, a day late, for this post, Mr. Dale. I'm very moved by the gracious expressions of good wishes many British blogs have extended on our holiday.

  17. and not a mention or an image of Gitmo or Abu Ghraib

  18. Anonymous - where's your cojones? Say who you really are. Howard Pinter perhaps?

    No doubt another milquetoast liberal who is so jealous of the US that he conveniently ignores all the good that it has done. Of course Gitmo and Abu Ghraib are abominations but the countries you probably revere have one on every corner.
