Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Sold Out - Little Red Book of New Labour Sleaze

It's official. The Little Red Book has sold out. Gone. Finished. Ain't got no more left, matey. It's amazing to think that it was only 36 days ago that Guido first had the idea! Will there be reprint, I hear you all clamouring? Not at the moment. A lot will depend if Waterstone's return unsold copies, but I won't know that yet. Both the main book wholesalers have some copies left which will mainly be supplied to Amazon, and I have a few left through Politico's, but otherwise that's it folks. To those who have Amazon links on their blogs, keep them going so we can build up new orders. If we get to 1,000 it's worth doing a reprint.


  1. Appoz how many copies are out there then Iain?

  2. It was lucky that I got mine when I did then.

    I am about half way through it, Tony Blair should hang his head in shame for saying his government would be whiter then white.


  3. Iain Dale sells out - shame on you.

  4. Congrats. It must be the fastest "concept to sell out" in publishing history.

  5. So you won't be going for on demand publishing then - eg http://www.lulu.com/uk ?
