Friday, June 09, 2006

A New Marketing Strategy for the Tories?

Those nice people at B3ta have been holding a little competition to design new marketing posters for the Conservatives. Sadly, I can only reprint a few of them here, and if you visit this LINK you'll see why. Don't do so if you a) have lost your sense of humour or b) are easily offended.

I think that'll be enough... And this ad's from me...


  1. The last ad (from you) is by far the wittiest and most ironic thing I've seen in ages... and your decision to juxtapose it with all the above rather undermines your previous pleas to cut the guy some slack!

  2. Heh, I like the "we told you so" and the Mwa haw haw haw ones...:)

  3. I'd thought of sending you the link, but reckoned it might be a bit too parental guidance....

  4. You have to love B3TA if it wasn't for the internet they would be stuck at home playin with themselves! Assuming they have something to play with!

  5. Cranmer, shame on you! You think about things too much.

  6. Shame on me for thinking too much?

    Good grief.

    I long for politicians as intelligent, insightful and pensive as they used to be...

  7. I laughed out loud at the "we told you so" one. I hope the tories have the balls to actually run it! I might actually vote tory.

  8. So Rickett reads the blog?! The other ads were funny but to describe him as a "young opinion former" borders on the hilarious. I wish we could just stop talking about him(would seem a fair compromise), but we do you have to keep promoting him Iain?

  9. It seems like the Che icon is public property, so I guess the Boris one is too. I smell a money making opportunity here - I'm just off to have a few t-shirts printed.


  10. I know it's neither here nor there, but I hate that iconic photo of Che. He was fat, filthy, greasy communist who shot children. A totally disgusting individual. Yet that one photograph has persuaded generations of ignorant people that he was some sort of hero.

    - Anonymousette
