Saturday, June 17, 2006

Dale Wimps out of Self-Flagellation

Last night Dizzy bet me a tenner I couldn't mention the phrase "self-flagellation" during my interview on the Today programme this morning. He was right. Despite spotting an opportunity, I wimped out. Shame on me.


  1. It's pathetic Iain when you think about it - the esteemed captain of our national football side can usually be relied upon to utter his stock two word phrase at least 15 times during a 3 minute interview and you couldn't manage it once. If this wasn't worth a tenner, money must come your way very easily!

  2. Dear Ian

    Bravo, Ian, there are great military virtues in Cowardice, on suitabgle (especially very public) occasions

    My late mother used to say :

    "He who fights and runs away lives to fight another day"

    Is the £10 tax-deductible (or tax-deductable, as many of your fans would spell it) ?

    Your obedient servant etc

    G Eagle

  3. actually. now I think about it I should invoice you for providing you with such a great blog title!
