Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Front Page of The Sun As Predicted

As I predicted yesterday The Sun's front page headline today claims that it was The Sun who precipitated Tony McNulty's removal as Immigration Minister. The headline reads OUT ON HIS ASS-YLUM - VICTORY FOR THE SUN. One for the McNulty downstairs loo wall perhaps?


  1. Thank you "Sun" - now move him from where he has landed, please !

  2. A chap on Sky News made the same quip last night.....

  3. Iain, you've seen he's not actually been fired but has done a job swap. He's now the Police Minister in chare of puiblic safety

    Joined up government at its best! It was sublime, then it was ridiculous, then it became absurd and now it's just plain weird.

  4. where did you predict that the Sun would take credit? I cant find it.

  5. I saw it on Sky News this morning (Pacific time).
