Saturday, April 22, 2006

Cameron Sees off Labour Chameleon Attack

If we needed more evidence that Labour's Dave the Chameleon advert has backfired on them we need look no further. Their website has been taken down. They would only have done this if they had polling evidence which was bad for them. So farewell our little reptilian friend. It seems we won't be seeing any more of you. Quelle domage.

UPDATE: 5.20. Hurrah, it's back up! Obviously so many Tories had complained about it being removed they bowed to public demand.


  1. Err - don't think it has Iain, wishful thinking based on a momentary blip perchance? And do you mean off?

  2. Iain, the website is still there.

  3. PS Thanks for reminding me of the address - I've watched 'it' now and loved it! Yougov's poll published on Thursday suggests that I might not be alone.....

  4. The desperation of Tories to say that it is a failure tells its own story.

  5. anonymous, I wouldn't have said it's a failure. I think it gave a pretty good message, just not the one that New Labour hoped, but there again that's a characteristic of New Labour isn't it?

  6. I loved it! But everybody at my work thought it was done by the Conservatives to promote Dave!

    I think this one has backfired good and proper. Role on the next one!

  7. I find it hard to believe that this has been either a success or a failure in any meaningful sense. Who outside the Westminster bubble and a few political obsessives has even noticed l'affaire de caméléon? It's an in-joke that the vast majority of the public has never even heard of, and certainly wouldn't care about.

  8. When is "Dave the Chameleon's" blog going to get a comments facility? I know his tory fans would like to thank him for helping with the campaign!

  9. anonymous, this is why I think it backfired - Cameron Leadership blog.

  10. I must agree with anonymous, the Tories do seem rather desperate to dismiss it as failure. They'd be better off just shutting up about the whole thing to be honest. It's not backfired in any way.

    And also, it's quite normal for websites to 'go down' once in a while...
