At lunchtime I ran into my opponent from the election in North Norfolk, LibDem MP Norman Lamb. He asked me what I was going to do now that the leadership election is over. Instead of telling him the truth what I should have said was "I've been offered the job of Head of Programming at North Norfolk Radio!"
Actually, Norman and I get on quite well. I was walking through Portcullis House chatting to him a couple of weeks ago and encountered the Mail on Sunday's Simon Walters - "Ah," he said, "The dream team reunited!" Norman went a very odd shade of pale... although I gather he has been relating the tale too!
So, Iain, the burning question is what will you be doing now that the leadership election is over...?
Possibly over-egging the perceived power of North Norfolk radio there I would have thought. A fairly limited listenership bless 'em.
More comic impact if you installed yourself as Editor of the EDP.
All too late now though...
Well, the editor of the EDP they have now reminds everyone of Alan Partridge......
I am on the csndidate slist but haven't decided what to do yet. As far as fast tracking I'm not standing again in North Norfolk so it doesn't really apply.
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