We had a good team of 7 people out this morning tramping the streets. We covered a huge area of Fakenham. Here's what one voter said: "I was taken in by Norman Lamb last time, but I won't make that mistake again." And here's a comment from a LibDem voter: "I always thought Norman Lamb was a good MP but you have put a spoke in his wheel." I have to say that we came across quite a few converts today, both in Fakenham and Walsingham (where we were all afternoon). There are always a lot of people out on a Saturday but if the reaction to us is this good every week we'll win. Even people who aren't Conservatives seem genuinely pleased to see us out on the streets meeting people and listening to them. Interestingly I am getting recognised quite a lot now. I started to introduce myself to at least three people today and they all said they knew who I was. Not bad after only a year.

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