Wednesday, May 12, 2004


Thursday is going to be very bitty. Haircut, two new tyres on the car, meetings in London, hosting an evening with Ann Widdecombe in Chesham and then back to Swanton Abbott. Friday I am seeing some very go-ahead graphic designers in North Walsham who have come up with some very innovative campaigning ideas. I'm then going to two primary schools before a major campaign planning evening. Saturday it's an advice surgery in Wells and canvassing in Walsingham. Maybe I'll pop into the shrine to repent some sins... Not that I have any of course! (he added just a little too hastily...). And Saturday evening? Eurovision Song Contest! Hurrah! I actually went to Eurovision twice. My big claim to fame is that I was the first person to get Dana International's autograph after she (he?) won in Birmingham in 1998. Strange thing was I didn't even ask for it. She just grabbed my programme. Highlight of the evening was the BBC bash where I met Wogan. Must stop this namedropping... Did I ever tell you about my talk with the Queen in Buckingham Palace? No? I'm sure I'll get round to it eventually...

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