Saturday, May 14, 2011

Tim Ireland Issued With Harassment Warning

Nadine Dorries has just posted this on her blog...

Today I had a meeting with Bedfordshire Police. They informed me that under caution and recorded on tape at Guildford Police station, Tim Ireland, of Bloggerheads, has been issued with a warning under section two of the Harassment Act.

If you wish to read Tim Ireland's defence and explanation, click HERE.


  1. You're link does not mention any sort of "warning" provision at all. Is the link incorrect or is Nadine telling fibs again?

  2. Mr Ireland's article finsihes by stating:

    "Dorries is making most of this stuff up, if not all of it. She cannot produce any evidence of my harassing her electronically, and she cannot produce any evidence of my stalking her physically."

    Saying that someone does not have evidence for an allegation is not the same as saying that it is not true.

  3. Mad Nads and Lose Screws Ireland, a marriage made in heaven...

  4. I am baffled as to how Dorries ever got to be an MP.

    An "interview under caution" is standard procedure when investigating a complaint. If Person A makes a complaint against person B, then the police will always interview person B only "under caution" (i.e. meaning that they have read person B their rights). It is not even an indication that the police think an offence may have occurred, merely that an accusation has been made that needs to be investigated.

    And the act is not the "harrassment act" but "The Previntion of Harrassment Act 1997"

    And a "warning" is not the same as a "caution".

    It seems accuracy is not one of Ms Dorries' strong points. How anyone like this gets to have a say in the drafting of our legislaion is one of life's great mysterirs.

  5. Stone the flamin' crows, mate.

  6. What is the real story here? What is she trying to hide?

  7. An "interview under caution" is standard procedure when investigating a complaint.

    Not quite true. Interview with caution is a little further along the process than that.

  8. On a sunnier subject when is this new group blog going to get going I thought that sounded like a good idea .I noticed in your article you did not acknowledge Sunny Hundal who must surely as the inspiration.

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. I don't know about Bedfordshire Police but the Met would have to issue a letter in such cases
