Monday, May 09, 2011

On My LBC Show Tonight From 7pm...

7PM Coalition: Should David Cameron lay down the law, act like a leader and tell the LibDems exactly where they can put their demands, even if it risks the coalition collapsing? Why do the LibDems think they are in any sort of bargaining position to issue demands when they’ve just suffered a terrible electoral battering? If you were David Cameron, what would you tell Nick Clegg?

8PM Universities: Should we now accept that fewer 18 year olds should go to university? The last Labour government set a target of 50% of 18 year olds to go to university without ever really thinking through the consequences. Were they right to do that or have they created a generation of young people who feel they’ve failed if they don’t complete a degree?

9PM LBC Book Club With Paddy Ashdown, whose autobiography A FORTUNATE LIFE is published in paperback by Aurum at £9.99.

Listen at 97.3 FM, on DAB, Sky 0112, Virgin 973 or at Phone in on 0845 60 60 973. Text 84850. Email Tweet me @lbc973

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