Friday, April 15, 2011

On My LBC Show From 7pm...

7PM Freedom to kiss: Last night we covered the story of how two men were thrown out of a Soho pub for kissing. Tonight several hundred people are staging a snogathon outside the pub, which has reportedly closed its doors for the evening. Is this a wonderful example of how the internet can organise an instant protest, or an unseemly example of moral degeneration?

8PM Libya: Is the cat now out of the bag? Have the three main coalition partners made a huge error in saying the bombing will continue until Gadaffi goes? It really is all about regime change, isn’t it? Do you think Parliament should be recalled to discuss this mission creep?

9PM Newspapers: As we see newspaper circulation figures continuing to decline, I want to know whether you’ve changed your newspaper reading habits and why? Do you still buy your daily newspaper, or do you read online? Have you subscribed to the Times? What is the future for newspapers?

Listen at 97.3 FM, on DAB, Sky 0112, Virgin 973 or at Phone in on 0845 60 60 973. Text 84850. Email Tweet me @lbc973

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