Monday, April 04, 2011

Nadine Dorries & Me: The Truth (For the Benefit of the Daily Mail)

Sometime last week on my LBC programme - it could have been in the Parliament hour on Wednesday* - we were talking about selling things to your friends and how it can all go wrong. In a 5 second aside I mentioned that a couple of years ago I sold a car to a friend and six months later the engine blew up. And even though it was clearly nothing to do with me, I still felt really guilty about it. The friend in question was Nadine Dorries. The car was a year 2000 small Jaguar.

The next day Nadine texted me to ask if I had mentioned her on my programme as she had had several texts from people about it. I told her what I'd said and we had a good laugh about it.

She's just called again to say that the Daily Mail have just been on the phone asking her about it, and was it true that I had sold her a completely duff, how much had she paid for the car, and had it caused a falling out between us? She made very clear that she had no intention of telling them how much she had paid for it, it wasn't a duff car and we were still the best of friends.

But I suspect that isn't how it will be written up in the Daily Mail tomorrow.

The most interesting part of this story as far as I am concerned is that none of the people who texted Nadine live anywhere London. LBC clearly has a much wider reach than some people think!

* A listener has been in touch to say that it was in the legal hour on Thursday, because we were discussing a listener's car buying problem.


  1. I can't wait to see how the Daily Mail handle this story!

  2. Iain-Re. your comment about LBC having a wider reach than London.I have been listening for years, first on Sky then on DAB radio. I live out in the wilds of the Yorkshire Dales,and as I have little time for the biased BBC I get my news etc.from LBC,Sky news and Al Jazeera. Love your programme. Anne.

  3. How the hell is this a story?

    Even if there were any truth in their implications could they not find anything more worthwhile to write about? It's not like there's anything happening in the world that warrants column inches more than this. #DailyFail

    Having said that: Was this an X-Type Jag? Which engine? #CarGeek

  4. Clearly the good news is that the debt crisis has passed, world peace has broken out .... etc etc ... be fair the Mail has to fill it's paper somehow.

  5. Anne, you beat me with your post, I was about to write mine almost word for word

  6. I'm up in Chorley, Lancs and listen in 2 or 3 times a week. Really enjoy the channel.
