Tuesday, April 05, 2011

The Daley Dozen: Tuesday

1. The Guardian covers the Rally Against Debt.
2. Mehdi Hasan shows that Labour would cut more than Thatcher too.
3. Raheem Kassam warns of the danger of North Korea.
4. Brendan O'Neill thinks Clegg is patronising poor students.
5. Harry Cole explains the real alternative march.
6. Tim Montgomerie looks at what right wingers think of themselves.
7. Ed Jacobs highlights the woes of the Scottish Lib Dems.
8. Peter Hoskin has a 5 poitn guide to the Coalition's social mobility report.
9. David Blackburn follows George Monbiot's transformation.
10. Walaa Idris looks forward to the US Presidential race.
11. Alastair Campbell reckons Lansley has been Spelmanned.
12. Political Scrapbook has footage of the Greg Barker speech on Thatcher.

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