Friday, March 25, 2011

On My LBC Show Tonight From 7pm...

7PM The Coalition is encouraging a divided society and practising the politics of division says Ed Miliband. He reckons we’re heading back to the 1980s and we’re being governed by “rotten politics”. Guests: Peter Hain and Dr Tim Bale

8PM Abortion: Next week a cross party group of MPs is launching a fresh bid to restrict abortions. They want women to be forced to receive pre termination counselling, but from an organisation that does not itself carry out abortions and they want to strip the Royal College of Obstetricians of their role in setting clinical guidelines on abortions. Do you think these are MPs are trying to ban abortions by the back door? Or do you agree with them that abortions are too freely available in this country?

9PM As Waterstone’s is set to be sold off to cut losses. What is the future of the book and the bookstore?

9.45PM Lucy Coward will be talking to Conductor Marin Alsop.

Listen at 97.3 FM, on DAB, Sky 0112, Virgin 973 or at

Phone in on 0845 60 60 973. Text 84850. Email Tweet me @lbc973

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