Friday, February 18, 2011

On My LBC Show Tonight From 7pm...

7PM What rights do prisoners have? Today the High Court blocked a compensation bid by prisoners who were complaining they hadn’t been given the right to vote. And also today, the segregation of two high profile Islamic terrorist prisoners accused of bullying and intimidating other prisoners over matters of faith was upheld as lawful. Why are prisoners allowed to bring these ridiculous cases to the courts? Of course we should treat prisoners fairly, but isn’t it up to the prison authorities how prisoners are housed? And why should the taxpayer provide legal aid to help convicted terrorists waste a court’s time?

8PM Beyonce’s gone white. Why do we want to change the way we look? Is it all to do with vanity? Or does it betray an inner unhappiness with our lives? Why do people have cosmetic surgery when it usually makes them look worse? Why do people dye their hair? Why can’t we be satisfied with the hand that nature dealt us? Why do so few of us have a positive self image?

8.30PM Have you ever tried to learn a second language? Was it a success or a complete failure?

9PM Opera: Are operas like Anna Nicole Smith & Jerry Springer dumbing down opera or is it making opera more accessible to the masses?

Listen at 97.3 FM, on DAB, Sky 0112, Virgin 973 or at

Phone in on 0845 60 60 973. Text 84850. Email Tweet me @lbc973

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