Friday, February 04, 2011

On My LBC Programme From 7pm...

7pm: Two people have died in a tower block fire in Deptford. How can tower blocks be made safer?

8pm: Egypt: Does Mubarak have a point? Would chaos ensure if he resigned now?

9pm: Has your pet ever been attacked by an urban fox?

9.30pm How acceptable is nudity in the theatre?

And if you'd like to phone in between 9 and 10 with your reviews of films, shows, concerts or galleries you've been to this week, the number to call is 0845 60 60 973.

Listen at 97.3 FM, on DAB, Sky 0112, Virgin 973 or at

Phone in on 0845 60 60 973. Text 84850. Email Tweet me @lbc973

1 comment:

  1. My advice to David Cameron is to focus on the money and investment. If a million people protesting and resisting his thugs won't move Mubarak then focus on the investment. The US and EU have hogged the "empty rhetoric" - trying to tell Mubarak to go without actually saying so. In Egypt money talks. The President is only in place because those around him make money. Look at where the money comes from (tourism, foreign aid, arms, oil, canal etc) and pull away the UK tourism, but also make noises to scare off all the other countries tourism. Cameron needs to stand up on TV and say that tourism will whither.
