Wednesday, February 09, 2011

The Daley Dozen: Wednesday

1. The Back Boris in 2012 website has launched.
2. Norman Tebbit doesn't want the PM to be feeling sick.
3. Wrinkled Weasel questions Sir Gus O'Donnell's motives.
4. Max Atkinson defends the rowdiness of politics.
5. Guido wants really fighting, not petty squabbles.
6. Juliet Samuel reckons Ed Balls just couldn't contain his mania.
7. Douglas Carswell on banning things.
8. Biteback Publishing are pleased Peter Sissons is trending.
9. Hazel Blears agrees with Andrew Neil.
10. Danny McMahon welcomes Cameron's new hard stance.
11. Dan Hannan isn't too pleased with HRH Prince Charles.
12. Tim Montgomerie shares his views on AV.


  1. Thanks very much for the link, Grant.

