Saturday, December 04, 2010

Woke Up This Morning...

I know it's wrong but this made me laugh. It's from the excellent Prisoner Ben Blog.

Sitting in the freezing cold yard under the yellow floodlights, two members of
the musical fraternity begin jamming lyrics. It quickly descended into the
default cynicism of Lifers:

"Woke up this morning,
My baby was gone.
F*****g social workers..."

Well it made me smile, anyway.


  1. Yes, that made me laugh a bit too.

    However, I don't understand why Ben is still in prison.

  2. Sniff. What about the excellent Jailhouselawyer's blog? You Kant!

    Tim:"I don't understand why Ben is still in prison". Perhaps, it might have something to do with the Parole Board not being happy that Ben has never explained to their satisfaction why he killed his 14 year old friend?

  3. Typical ignorant prisoner! One doesn't spell "thieving" with an F...

  4. good point about the trotskist scum called Social SWorkers


    A tariff of 10 years and held for 30.

  6. Discussing their tarrifs and lengths, and reasons, is usually secret, that;'s why Hirst can claim he was a model citizen inside except for being merely awkward, so we don't know why. Like Hirst he is probably scum who is better off inside, better off inside for every other law abiding peace loving person that is.

    Parole board increase his tariff massively because he didn't explain his reason for murder adequately? Nothing to do with being a danger? Nothing to do with being criminal scum inside? You say the funniest things at times cretin, as has been shown in your TV interviews.

    Let the scum rot in there if he deserves it, and let's assume he deserves it until we are shown otherwise. Unless we assume the criminals are angelic and the jailers are criminal?

    Scum shouldn't be given the oxygen of publicity either.

  7. @houdini. So what you are saying is that you have no idea why gunn remains in prison...and that you fill that blank with guesswork and unsubstantiated assertions?

  8. Who would have thought that such a small post from Ben would get important issues raised?

    Some years ago there was a paper published called "Lifers, Tariffs and Dangerousness". Unfortunately, I cannot provide an internet link. It provides a good insight into the minds of the Parole Board.

    Personally, I do not accept that anyone is dangerous. Rather, I claim that a person can be in a dangerous situation. For example, a car with no brakes parked on a hillside is no danger if there is a brick in front of the wheel preventing it rolling down hill. Remove the brick and we have a dangerous situation.

    In my case, there was no information in my prison record kept in the prison firstly why I was placed on Category "A", and secondly why I was kept on it for 12 long years. This not only prevents staff on the ground from making a proper risk assessment, but it also meant that I could not progress to the next stage of my life sentence until I was decategorised to "B". That is, I remained on square one.

    From the outset those lifers in category "B" would have a Life Sentence Plan drawn up for them, charting their progress through the system. Unfortunately, my Life Sentence Plan did not begin until 14 and a half years into a 15 year tariff! Therefore, the system felt it needed more time to put me through jumping the hoops before releasing me. This ate into extra time, and it was my time and not there's that they were playing with. Hence the extra 10 years.

    I cannot speak for Ben on this because his circumstances might be different.

    I have likened trying to satisfy the Parole Board as being akin to a nymphomanic trying to satify somone suffering from severe impotence.

  9. @houdini. So what you are saying is that you have no idea why gunn remains in prison...and that you fill that blank with guesswork and unsubstantiated assertions?

    No, what I say is that I will assume the authorities, who I further assume are not criminals or engaged in criminal activity, are right and following procedure and the law, and Gunn must then deserve his fate, which I don't think is an unreasonable position.

    Let him rot if the authorities think he should as I trust their good judgement instead of scum like Hirst.

  10. @houdini. Anyone who has that much faith in "the authorities" is a blithering idiot. Try reading a little of gunn's blog and gain a little cynicism about the infallible gods who have your blind faith.

  11. Hmmm, well I consider an insult from Houdini to effectively be a great compliment. I recommend to people here that you try Ben’s blog and see what you think. :)

  12. @houdini. Anyone who has that much faith in "the authorities" is a blithering idiot. Try reading a little of gunn's blog and gain a little cynicism about the infallible gods who have your blind faith.

    As opposed to having faith in murdering scumbags? I'd rather be a blithering idiot on that case instead of the trusting cretin you are.

    And of course then we have Tim...who thinks mild mannered and generally liked and respected for his stance on various altruistic issues is a hate mongerer...need I say more? Nope

    Trust these scumbags if you like, but don't try and make me; I'd see every one of them rot in jail for all time to save putting my family at risk. Did you see Hirst's various interviews? Again, I rest my case with who deserves trust.

  13. @houdini. Ah, i use that wonderful intellectual facility known as "discernment". Try it, its fun! You need not accept what gunn says unquestioningly, but to refuse to learn anything about him or his situation is quite sad. Still, it leaves you with the certainty of blind hate. Odd, tho, that a murderer like gunn seems to be a brighter and more decent chap than you...

  14. @houdini. Ah, i use that wonderful intellectual facility known as "discernment". Try it, its fun! You need not accept what gunn says unquestioningly, but to refuse to learn anything about him or his situation is quite sad.

    Ahh, so your discernment doesn't stretch to discerning that I have read Gunns blog? Mind you, you are probably the type that refuses to believe anyone who doesn't agree with you actually has read anything you declare is valid.

    I've been aware of Gunn and Hirst, and their situations, for many years but you don't want to discern that do you?

    Still, it leaves you with the certainty of blind hate.

    So if I don't agree with you I must be wallowing in blind hate? I don't hate them, but that doesn't mean I have to like them or agree with their rantings. You however would make a great acolyte for the likes of Charles Manson, he is still alive you know and you can write, unless Gunn and Hirst are sufficient for your needs?

    Odd, tho, that a murderer like gunn seems to be a brighter and more decent chap than you...

    Yeah, that must be it, Gunn, and Hirst, are far more decent chaps than me....

    I think that just about sums up the mindset of people like you and why society needs protecting from them and their willing acolytes like you. When were you saved from the sect?

  15. @houdini. You do love ascribing motives to me! Anyway, i have said my piece and will now leave you to your certainties...

  16. @houdini. Sorry, i forgot to ask...why is gunns blog so much more popular than yours if he is merely ranting...? Goodnight all.

  17. @houdini. You do love ascribing motives to me! Anyway, i have said my piece and will now leave you to your certainties...

    I thought you might have. At least I answer points and rebut what is said.

    @houdini. Sorry, i forgot to ask...why is gunns blog so much more popular than yours if he is merely ranting...? Goodnight all.

    Apart from me not being too bothered about having a popular blog, which isn't my intention and never has been, obviously because we have so many insecure and disciple like wannabes like you who see Gunn as a thoroughly decent chap. How many pen-pals do you have on death row in the US? I'm sure most of them are decent chaps as they claim they are innocent and oppressed, and being criminals they must be right eh?

    I bet Gunn and Hirsts opinion on the McCanns also formed yours too.
