Thursday, December 09, 2010

How Many LibDems Will Take the Coward's Way Out?

It will be very interesting to see how the LibDems vote this afternoon. We already know that 20 of their 57 MPs will support the government line. Well, it would be rude not to if you're members of the government, wouldn't it? But what of the rest? I can understand those LibDem MPs who vote in the No lobby. Some will do it out of conviction, others will feel morally obliged to by the pledge that they signed up to. One or two might even do it just to be bloody minded.

The one thing I will never understand is for an MP to abstain on this legislation. What possible rationale can there be for withholding your vote on what has become one of the great issues of the day? You either agree with it you don't. To sit on the fence may be something a LibDem is used to doing but it is a complete copout. What's the point of being an MP if you can't have the balls to vote one way or another? No wonder they paint their logo yellow. For any LibDem MP who abstains this afternoon is a coward. For instance, let's take Stephen Williams, a LibDem MP for Bristol, who in the last Parliament was their Higher Education spokesman. I like him, he's a nice guy. But this morning he has said he will abstain. Er, why? As the party's former higher education spokesman it is impossible to believe he has not view on the issue. As I keep repeating, to govern is to choose. Not to choose gives the impression of not being able to govern.

So come on LibDems, have the courage of your convictions. At least do us the favour of voting one way or the other. If you abstain, you are taking the coward's way out.

PS The same applies to Tory MPs too, as someone will no doubt point out in the comments.


  1. Any MP who abstains on such an important issue is a gutless coward, which is why I expect quite a few will.

  2. Perhaps an abstention could be merited on the following grounds:

    1. You believe the coalition is worthwhile deal, as it allows Lib Dem policy to be put into practice.

    2. You are against the proposals as they stand.

    3. You want to signal your disapproval with the policy in a way that the coalition agreement allows.

  3. Has anyone considered that the Scottish and Welsh Lib Dem MPs should certainly not vote on something for which they have no remit from their constituents. Also when this infamous pledge was signed ,how many were scotish and welsh MPs? In facy instead of a kind of mealy mouthed rebellion , those MPs may be acting honourably

  4. Has anyone considered that the Scottish and Welsh Lib Dem MPs should certainly not vote on something for which they have no remit from their constituents. Also when this infamous pledge was signed ,how many were scotish and welsh MPs? In facy instead of a kind of mealy mouthed rebellion , those MPs may be acting honourably

  5. You're ignoring the point the LibDems signed an agreement that if they did not like the proposal they would abstain.

    Either way many LibDem are going to break there own promises. Which promise is more important?

  6. What is utterly gutless has been the way that the Tories en masse have hidden behind the LibDems letting the latter take ALL the flak for their policies. Ian Dale: if you had any integrity, you would be taking your own party to task for its craven, supine and utterly spineless stance of running a mile from the issue and then letting the junior members of the Coalition take the heat. SHAME, SHAME, SHAME on the Parliamentary Tory party.

  7. What is wrong with the Liberals?

    they never expected to ever be in government!

    Being in a state of permanent opposition for the best part of a century has moulded their party into a useless shape.

    It's like a little stunted tree part way up a mountain, a perverted, monstrous, misshapen poor, miserable excuse for a tree.

    It offers no shelter, nor does it furnish enough wood to kindle even the smallest of fires in the meanest of hovels.

    Some Liberal Democrats are constitutionally unfit to govern. Those are the ones who will vote not with their hearts, but with an eye to their comfort zone. Perpetual, never-ending opposition.

    These retched, wrecking creatures must come as a shock to those who joined the Liberal Democrats in order to try to make a difference to make a real, positive contribution to society and not just to suck on the teat of the state without actually doing anything positive for anyone. You know, the poor? The sick? The infirm?

    They make me feel sick.

  8. Matt
    "These retched, wrecking creatures must come as a shock to those who joined the Liberal Democrats in order to try to make a difference to make a real, positive contribution to society and not just to suck on the teat of the state without actually doing anything positive for anyone. You know, the poor? The sick? The infirm?"
    As any poor,sick or infirm person will tell you, Nu Labour/Labour really doesn't help much.
    For the poor-dole.
    For the the sick- a waiting list.
    For the infirm- poverty.

    And for you Matt,your disease,you are middle class.
