Thursday, December 09, 2010

And In At Number 367 is Gordon Brown...

It's interesting tha Gordon Brown's book, even after all the publicity of the last few days. has only reached number 367 in the Amazon bestsellers chart. By any normal rights it would be at least in the top 50 by now, if not in the top 10. Tony Blair and Peter Mandelson were both number one bestsellers. OK, this book is not a memoir, but I would have expected it to have reached the top 100. Bear in mind Peter Watt's book got to 52 and both David Laws and Rob Wilson's books got inside the top 200.

I think Simon & Schuster, Gordon Brown's publishers will be a tad disappointed by this performance. I would be if I were them.


  1. There should be a prize awarded for the 1st person to read this book cover to cover without either falling asleep or topping themselves. I'm not even going to try.

  2. You mean, someone actually paid to read Gordon Brown. Probably his mother.

  3. No surprise at all.

  4. A worthy present for people you don't like.

  5. If I had been the publishers I wouldnt have got involved with this economically incontinent moron in the first. They get all they deserve

  6. I read the synopsis on Amazon and it looked like something that Craig Brown had coked up.

    We had a global crisis, with global markets and global investors, added to which the almost-instantaneous global communications - and I hope to offer a global response to these global challenges

    I think that this was cooked up by Private Eye. Nobody that stupid could be elected Prime Minister of Great -er

  7. Were you sober when you wrote this Iain? It is so wide of the mark we plebs have our doubts as it is no surprise that sales are so low. His book on 'Courage' or 'Bravery' (can't remember which - sorry) was another smash hit; Private Eye reported that it sold less than 100 HB copies.
    As Guido is so fond of saying; "Jonah" Brown.

  8. Don't worry this epic by our Beloved Leader will be available from
    "Poundland" early in the New year !!!

    I blame the Beeb for the poor sales todate, what's the point of having your own world wide biased media organisation when it does not deliver the desired results !!

    Tut.....maybe it has LOL

  9. >Unsworth

    Come one. Be reasonable. I am sure his constituents wanted to know what they had been voting for all these years.

    And Gordon had to think of something for Christmas presents.

  10. Let me help Gordon by saying that Gordons political career is a lesson on how a bullying incompetent can get to the top by smearing and spending other peoples money. Youll have to read between the delusion though. So if that's the career path for you then buy the book.

  11. Iain, I appreciate you know more about book publishing than I, but does it honestly surprise you that so few are willing to read Gordon Brown congratulate himself over the course of a few hundred pages? I can't think of a worse book and I dare say I wouldn't have published it.

  12. I am going to Rochdale on Monday. I'll see if there are any copies for sale there, but first I'll have to find a bookshop.

  13. You miss the obvious point is that the book would have been a huge hit if he'd swung a handbag back at his critics. I for one find it admirable that he's taken the high road. If it means the book gets remaindered it's a small price to pay. If only his predecessor had been as dignified.

  14. @ Sean Haffey

    Reasonable just ain't my style - you may have guessed.

    I doubt that Gordon's constituents would wish to read this tome. In fact I doubt they are remotely literate - after all, they returned him to Parliament (from which he's been notably absent).

    However, if Gordon really wanted to give everyone a Christmas present par excellence he could simply have emigrated.
