Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Wrong Place

Hilarious that Kay Burley on Sky News keeps saying Millbank Tower is the headquarters of the Conservative Party. She's just as deluded as the protesters. The Tories moved out of the main tower after the general election. Their offices are next door at 30 Millbank, next to the Pizza Express.

Clearly not many of these protesters are geography students...

UPDATE: Kay Burley on Sky is not having a good afternoon. She has just said that protesters are on the roof of Millbank Tower. They are not. They are on the top of 30 Millbank. She's also saying that Mi5, "across the river" has shut its entrance. Er, that would be Mi5 next door to 30 Millbank. Mi6 is across the river, not Mi5. Dear oh dear.


  1. I think she was the inspiration for Manuel form Fawlty Towers, whenever he was lost, mistaken, or misunderstood he referred to Ms Burley "Kay, Kay, Kay?"

  2. I assume the cost of policing will be passed on the the NUS, which as the promotor and organiser, could have reasonably forseen that today's events would have turned out badly.

    Whether this crowd of pea-brained pond life are students or not, they should be identified by the extensive CCTV footage, prosecuted and thrown in jail like the common criminals they are.

    These adolescent thugs are exactly the sort of morons that shouldn't be allowed near a university. The prospect of them being forced to contribute to society rather than be a drain on it must be terrifying for them.

  3. They must keep Burley purely for the entertainment factor....cant be any other reason

  4. Ah, don't be so mean. It's nice to see them having a bit of fun, letting off a bit of steam. Bless.

  5. A bad hair day for SKY - shows how amateurish they are.
    Even so we really must ask how Burley keeps her job.

    She should watch her step - she is clearly too old to find a job at the BBC.

  6. No comments on the actual protests then?

    These aren't geography students occupying the building. They aren't students. They're just anarchists joy riding the peaceful protest wave. A shame the press have given them the attention.

  7. Kay Burley is proof-positive that you don't need an education to be successful in dumbed-down Britain!

  8. The Beeboids are having the same problem WRT Millbank Tower (6 o'clock)

  9. Ridiculous Iain. There's no reason these days to suppose that they are not geography students.

  10. @ Jim Baxter:

    you mean they got lost trying to find Cowley Street?

    I suspect that the damage doers were in the main not students, but more likely anarchists and the like.

  11. Whatever attempt the Mad Hattie might have used at PMQs to try and embarrass Clegg over fees he should have been very sanguine and replied something along the lines of ...

    'he's very touched by Hatties cancern about the state of the LDs, he is grateful and touched by her concern; she is not at all the demon that some paint her - not the least her own backbenchers.'

    He could have gone on to the effect that...
    'sadly there's no more money, as admitted by her friend Bryant; and the advice the govt are following is from a report commissioned by labour when they were in government.'

    He could have finished by pointing out that ...
    'we are where we are because Labour put off and fudged the difficult decisions of government, whereas the LDs and the Coalition are taking the responsible attitude'.

    My services are available ...

  12. Thorpe,

    Quite possibly. I'd suggest though that that is a different point.

    Iain was in any case joking about Geography. The time is long past when the study of that subject involved placing places.

  13. Well it's all very chaotic, which is what you would expect from a student protest.

    Not nearly as chaotic as Britain will be after a few years of the cuts programme though. Which we don't need to be nearly as severe as it is, because the economy is already rebounding, the tax take is stronger than the coalition said it would be and the deficit is not as bad they claim. And then we have the HMRC doing sneak backdoor deals with the big corporations and super-rich, letting them off the taxes they used to pay.

    All these lies (you can just add Clegg's lies, the proximate cause of the protest) are designed to (a) enrich bankers and corporations and (b) to prepare the ground for a large tax-cut in the next general election, so that the poor dupes, er, voting public will re-elect the Tories to keep the whole thing going and further enrich the corporations and hedge fund managers and bankers that Cameron and Osborne are really all about.

  14. One student called on Cameron to come out and face the crowd....I assume he was up too late to see that hes in China.

    Probably doing PPE at Oxford and destined for a career in the Civil Service or as a Guardian journalist.

  15. It's just as well that woman can afford a maid, otherwise she wouldn't be able to get her shoes on the right feet every morning.
