Tuesday, November 09, 2010

A Tale of Two Lives

I just phoned home and had the following exchange...

Me: I've just been invited to meet Kylie Minogue and on the same day I'm
having lunch with Karren Brady.
John: How nice for you. I've just wiped Gio's bum8.
Me: Er.....

Not often that I am lost for words...

* Gio is our Jack Russell, who is, er, having a few problems in the nether regions at the moment...


  1. What are you discussing with Ms Brady? A new business venture?

  2. What are you discussing with Ms Brady? A new business venture?

  3. Can't your dog clean its own RRRs? The mind boggles.

  4. Clearly, John has your number. Nothing like a loved one to keep one humble.
