Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Rejoice! Rejoice!

Anyone who has ever had a book published will know how I feel right now. It's how I imagine a parent feels after seeing their new baby for the first time. Half an hour ago the first copies of my new book, MARGARET THATCHER: IN HER OWN WORDS arrived at the office from the printers. It's beautifully produced and very chunky considering the relatively low price. And a lovely smooth feeling cover.
It's timed to be published to coincide with the imminent twentieth anniversary of Lady T's fall from power, which will no doubt get a lot of coverage in the media.
The book has had a very high level of pre-orders and Waterstone's are going to promote it in amost of their stores.
Next week I'll also get copies of the 3 CD box set which accompanies the book.
Order the book HERE.
Order the CD Box Set HERE.


  1. Looking forward to the book, but I'm disappointed its not available on Kindle or for iBooks!

  2. Iain, while I’m very happy for you, what sort of a dinosaur reads a physical book these day?

    You need to publish this in epub format. Then offer a direct download from your diary, or at least your publishing company website. At a discount to reflect electronic distribution cost, about a third to half off; or whatever distribution costs you.

    Then I can download to my Sony PRS-650 and read where-ever and when-ever.

  3. Really sorry, but for copyright reasns we can't do this as an e-book at the moment. I hope this will change.

  4. "And a lovely smooth feeling cover."

    Well in that case, sign me up for three copies...

  5. MM, feels chunky and smooth. Makes me think of a Yorkie bar.
    Congratulations Iain, I'm sure it will be excellent.

  6. Kingbingo: I read books; does that make me a dinosaur? Plus, I get a physical pleasure from turning over the pages of a well produced book. Does that make me a kinky dinosaur?

  7. Looks good Iain, well done....

    KingBingo...sorry to throw stones into your technological infested pond but millions of us like to relax with a good book, glass of wine etc...the thought of doing it your way would horrify most people....by the way what the hell is a Sony PRS -650 when its at home?????????....

  8. I like the look of the book, but ....

    since buying kindle a couple of months ago I've mostly given up on "physical" books. So please can it be made available electronically?

    I don't know what your copyright issues are but you might like to look at sorting them.

    Similarly what about a down-loadable version of the audio. I've run out of space at home so only really do downloads rather than purchasing CDs.

  9. "what sort of a dinosaur reads a physical book these day?"

    Uummm I would say the VAST MAJORITY?

    Not everyone's 18-25.

    Margaret Thatcher - far and away the greatest ever peace time PM this country will ever see. Without her, Britain would be a third world country.

  10. Will there be a hardcover version? I would love to get this as Christmas present for a friend
