Sunday, November 07, 2010

Quote of the Day: Michael Crick

“I haven’t listened to the Today programme.
I regard listening to or watching the BBC as strike breaking.”
Michael Crick on the BBC strike, quoted in the Sunday Telegraph


  1. That's right, Crick. And Betsy Duncan-Smith is a criminal.

  2. I thought BBC news was fine yesterday, so obvious conclusion is that they could get rid of 80% of the journalists and cut the TV tax (license fee).

  3. Maybe Michael should do some digging here:

    Rami Okasha - Scottish Labour

  4. He's going to regret it!

    I always thought there was something rather odd about Michael Crick's perspective on Newsnight stories. This helps clarify why. Unlike a proper journalist, he can't keep his bias in check.

  5. There's nothing better than a BBC strike to bring out the hidden cretin in everyone, is there Michael?

  6. I haven't listened to the today show as i regard listening to the bbc leftist useful idiots as heartbreaking.......

  7. You might mention my post on the daley dozen. But I am sanguine about it - honest!

    I think Crick gives away not so much his bias as his mind-set. OK I know that can be construed as the same thing, but I think the BBC mind-set is sort of inbred, the way a cat always knows how to land on its feet.

    Institutional. Naturally like thinking people naturally gravitate to the BBC and just confirm their bias to each other.

  8. Steady on Jabba & Johny but yeah, an ejeet and no mistake.

  9. Oh - hello johnny norfolk; Uncle Mort, one of my heroes. I liked the way Dad sat in front of the fire drinking tea while the Liz Smith character did all the decorating and DIY.

  10. I regard listening to the BBC as mind breaking!

  11. I've actually quite enjoyed the BBC minus the propaganda content.

    I hope the BBC stick to their guns on the pensions issue, I don't see why they should expect pensions that exceed what is available in the private sector after their hero Gordon Brown raided them.
    Where did the money go anyway?

  12. @Thorpe

    What is "odd" about left wing bias on Newsnight?

  13. AAH yes..the musings of an unbiased BBC journalist.......Do hope Pricks like Crick and his ilk stay on strike for a long time....Might then be the time for the BBC to re build free of incumberances like this idiot.

  14. Well having watched/listened to BBC News whilst the strike was on, my conclusion is that I still heard/saw all the news, didn't miss out on anything and now have absolute proof that overpaid newsreaders are not needed and can all safely be allowed to be "poached " by commercial channels thereby saving the taxpayer many millions of pounds.

    My heartfelt thanks to the NUJ for proving that their senior members are a bunch of over paid untalented wasters

  15. And I regard your salary as obscene for the work you do Michael. So perhaps we can arrange for you to stay away from work more often and remove that burden from the backs of the workers.


  16. Well done Crick for hastening the day when the Coalition sort out the ludicrous BBC. Give us back an impartial news (not comment) organisation, freed from these Islington lefty scum!

  17. As an NUJ member, can I just point out that I think Michael Crick seems to be an insufferable prig?

    He seems to have a typo in his surname. Should that C be a P, I wonder?
