Friday, November 26, 2010

On My LBC Show Tonight...

On my LBC show tonight from 7...

7.10pm net immigration is up again to 215,000 in the 12 months to March this year. Should we now accept that as long as we remain in the EU there's little we can do about it? Guest: Nigel Farage

8pm Global warming has slowed down in the last decade according to the Met Office. Further evidence that man made global warming is a myth?

8.30pm Would you eat meat from a cloned animal?

9pm The Dartford Tunnel tolls are rising to £2 in January and £2.50 in January 2012. A fair charge, or fleecing drivers?

9.30pm What are the daftest rules and regulations you've got in your flat lease?

You can listen to LBC on 97.3 FM in Greater London, DAB Radio in the Midlands, parts of the North & North West, Glasgow & Edinburgh, Sky Channel 0112, Virgin Media Channel 973 or stream live at

To take part in the programme call 0845 60 60 973, text 84850, Email iain AT lbc DOT co DOT uk or tweet @lbc973

If you miss the programme and want to download it as a podcast (minus the ads!) click HERE. There is a £2 monthly charge but you have access to the entire LBC archive and schedule.


  1. Iain, at the risk of sounding trivial, there are only two things that this government need concern themselves with; firstly to withdraw completely from the EU and thereby stop using our money to subsidise the rest of that socialist system and secondly to stop immigration completely, and remove the millions of immigrants who are already here and are not entitled to be here. Do that and most of our problems will be solved at a stroke.

  2. What ever happened to when it is paid for it will become free access?
    Yet another exercise in the appalling result of the Brown catastrophe.

    Why has GB plc not yet woken up to the 66 stealth taxes of 1998 Brown budget, followed by the most spectacular and deliberate debauching of our country?

    And when the reality finally hits Cameron and the LD's will be blamed?

    My disgust at the artifice of these evil troughing socialist baskets is boundless.
