Friday, November 12, 2010

On My LBC Show Tonight From 7pm...

On my LBC show tonight from 7...

7.10pm Boris wants to cut the number of traffic lights in London. Is he right? Guest: Ken Livingstone

8pm As the CPS receives the 'hackergate' files from the Police, what does this signify for the future of Andy Coulson? Guests: Tom Watson MP and former Mirror editor David Banks

9pm Surrey NHS Trust is stopping new IVF treatments and non medical treatments like tattoo removal. A sign of things to come?

930pm As a German footballer urges gay footballers to 'come out' we ask why homosexuality is still such a taboo in sport.

You can listen to LBC on 97.3 FM in Greater London, DAB Radio in the Midlands, parts of the North & North West, Glasgow & Edinburgh, Sky Channel 0124, Virgin Media Channel 973 or stream live at

To take part in the programme call 0845 60 60 973, text 84850, Email iain AT lbc DOT co DOT uk or tweet @lbc973

If you miss the programme and want to download it as a podcast (minus the ads!) click HERE. There is a £2 monthly charge but you have access to the entire LBC archive and schedule.


  1. Yes he is right on traffic lights.

    A number of studies show that removing street signs and furniture and railings causes drivers to slow down and congestion improves safety.

    its shared space.

    Livingstone wants more congestion to bugger car drivers.' !!

    Even the Guardian agrees ...

  2. Well done Surrey NHS Trust. They should add breast enlargements, breast reductions, rhinoplasty and sex change surgeries to the list.
