Monday, November 22, 2010

On My LBC Show From 7pm...

On my LBC show tonight from 7...

7.10pm Local councils want to double parking fine charges? Another stealth tax or a much needed deterrent.

8pm Twenty Years ago today, Margaret Thatcher resigned as Prime Minister. Has your view of her changed over the last 20 years?

9pm LBC Book Club with Adam Boulton, David Laws MP and Rob Wilson MP talking about their books on the formation of the coalition.

You can listen to LBC on 97.3 FM in Greater London, DAB Radio in the Midlands, parts of the North & North West, Glasgow & Edinburgh, Sky Channel 0112, Virgin Media Channel 973 or stream live at

To take part in the programme call 0845 60 60 973, text 84850, Email iain AT lbc DOT co DOT uk or tweet @lbc973

If you miss the programme and want to download it as a podcast (minus the ads!) click HERE. There is a £2 monthly charge but you have access to the entire LBC archive and schedule.

1 comment:

  1. Fascinating insight into the forming of the Coalition, well done Iain and your three guests. Book Club is proving to be a very good idea.
