Monday, November 29, 2010

Is Bill Cash's Memory Failing Him

Here's an email I received today. I have withheld the name, but it is someone I know...

Dear Iain,

I was intrigued to read Bill Cash's letter in The Daily Telegraph today. I was particularly interested because I was present in the corridor outside the House of Commons' Library in December, 1991 (the week after the Maastricht agreement had been reached) when Bill Cash asked Graham Bright, then John Major's PPS, to convey his congratulations on the agreement to the Prime Minister. Perhaps Mr Cash has forgotten doing so?

With good wishes,



  1. Or maybe Bill Cash is a creep....?

  2. And it never occurred to you that Cash was being a tad sarcastic - or being Cash, ironic?

  3. or maybe the mysterious "C" has memory failure.

    What ever, who knows, who cares.

    I have to say Iain I'm becoming disappointed with your blog pieces since you became a media star.

  4. Whatever Cash meant; it does raise the point that most people forget: Major joined us to the EU. He did not have a referendum and most people were unaware of the enormous change in power that was given with Maastrict Treaty and the establishment of the EU.

  5. Bill Cash - one of a group of people who delivered the UK into the hands of the Labour Party.

    I am surprised he has the nerve to show his face in public.

  6. I have to agree that this blog is rapidly running out of puff.

  7. We all make mistakes. Mrs T was in favour of the EEC before she realised its true nature.

    We should criticise Mr Cash for his current position not for any past toadying.

  8. Libertarian's comment is spot on-This Blog and its author have become unreadable...and now unlistenable (to). Bore
