Sunday, November 07, 2010

The Daley (Half) Dozen: Sunday

1. Trevor's Den thinks the Archbishop has got it wrong. Wouldn't be the first time.

2. NewsNet Scotland on a Labour smear that went wrong.
3. Antony Little on the ridiculous claims of the Greens.
4. Tom Harris finds it in him to praise a Tory minister. Again.
5. Nile Gardiner on the decline & fall of Barack Obama.
6. Ed Staite reviews the play, 'Yes Prime Minister'.

And finally, for your dancing delectation...


  1. no way!!Did Iain Dale just link to a newsnetscotland story?You do realise that this is the home of Scottish cyber-nationalism?Always been curious about your views on the union,Iain.How about sharing a few thoughts?I posted a list of ten reasons why Scotland should be independent on this very blog in 2007.Maybe you could share your thoughts on some of these.

  2. Can't you have a quiet word in Widders' ear about this "exhibition" when you're on the road with her?

    She needs bringing to her senses and soon. A real miscalculation on her part.
