Friday, November 05, 2010

BREAKING NEWS: The UKIP Leadership Results

The UKIP leadership results are as follows:

Nigel Farage - 6085
Tim Congdon - 2037
David Campbell Bannerman - 1404
Winston McKenzie - 530


  1. The least surprising bit of politics news this week...

  2. Least surprising bit of news this week... by a long way.

  3. Funny how pollsters have stopped reporting UKIP's support recently. I imagine it's surging with Cameron reneging on all his EU promises, and Clegg commanding from on high that there will be no repatriation of powers or referendums.

    And with Farage back, the Party will be surging even more.

  4. The most surprising information from this is that only 10,000 UKIP members voted - presuming that most members did actually vote, they've got a lot fewer members than I realised.

  5. Thanks Nige!

    Nigel Farage will soon be helping overturn the spiteful smoking ban.

  6. Welcome back Nigel. Just in time to lay into Wavey Davey over his cowering before the EU and Clegg for being an anti-Democrat and announcing there will be NO IN/OUT Referendum because he knows the answer would be OUT.

    This ex-Conservative and new UKIP member is glad Nigel is back.

  7. I note from his twitter account he's restricting his celebrations to be ready for Today tomorrow.

    Somebody ought to tell him Today is cancelled due to left wing Union strikes at the BBC.

    So don't hold back tonight ... tomorrow is cancelled.

  8. The most surprising (and concerning) result is that 2037 UKIP members thought the dreadful patronising Tim Congdon would be a good leader


  10. *On the 13th December 2007 Gordon Brown signed away our freedom as an independent nation at Lisbon in Portugal, without obtaining our permission first.
    *David Cameron stood for election and became Prime Minister by promising he would repatriate the powers that Brown gave away, and hold a referendum. He lied.
    *There is only one Party which will fight to win Britain’s freedom back, and give people the choice which is rightly theirs, UKIP.
    *Join us. Take back through the ballot box what has been taken away from you by deception – your country.

    Farage is back, but this time he's not merely leader in name. He's in control of the Party.

  11. This is pretty thrilling!LOL
    Haye vs Harrison

  12. Oh, Loud Mouth Farage again. Wonder what aerial stunt he is planning now?
    Almost all the 2000+ UKIPs post in DT responding to Tebbit rants about anti- Cameron. The "semi-house trained pole cat"(sic) is a honorary UKIP any way. It is bit rich coming from Tebbit aboutEU, when his government signed the most important Single European Act.

  13. @Tapestry. Stop hyperventilating!

  14. Cameron did not campaign on a referendum. The referendum was dead once it was in law.

    And as far as I know there is no refusal to repatriate powers - not that it would be easy.

    I grow tired at the pathetic whining of the UKIP and anti EU nut jobs. As if we would be so superly better off outside the EU.

    But I too would like to be out of the EU as it is currently noperating, but walking out without an agreement on how to relate to the EU afterwards would not do us any good.

    And Norway is not in the EU but abides by its transfer of labour across borders rules (and others) - so it has the same problems as us.

  15. The last poll had the 3 main parties picking up 90% of the opinion. So that leave UKIP scrabbling for the rest which includes a fair chunk of Scot and Welsh Nats. Do not know if it covers NI.

    How well does UKIP (UK!) do in Wales or Scotland?
    But we know - nothing at all. They are a loony tune English National Party. The only thing it is capable of is perpetuating a Labour hegemony.

  16. no news on a no news day then
