Sunday, October 10, 2010

Video: Where the Truth Lies

Here's a 10 minute highlights video of the Editorial Intelligence Where the Truth Lies breakfast seminar at the top of the Gherkin about 10 days ago. It includes a brief spatette between Guido Fawkes and myself.


  1. Spiked. That is what the MSM did with the Hague story. Guido merely did what any red-top would have done had it been some sweating, chalk-striped Tory and a dominatrix. Gays don't have a special note that gives them immunity from scrutiny, especially if it concerns the use of public money and power. There are still too many unanswered questions about the Hague story, and you know what they are as well as I do.

  2. Good to see that some in the business realise that the media is badly trusted. Interesting to see John Ware there, an example of an increasingly rare beast - the unbiased and dispassionate BBC reporter.

    I know where I believe the problem lies - in the "progressive" narrative constructed by adolescent lefties that now infest our media. Many are highly literate, and consequently extremely capable of justifying the most deranged self-delusion.

    We live in the age of policy-based evidence, and it will soon severely bite us in the bum. Let us hope that there are enough of us left with our wits about us to respond, because the progressives will be intellectually pole-axed by the failure of their world-view to explain what is happening.

  3. It seems like bloggers keep moving ahead, and are getting yet more confident while the main stream media are unsure how to move to catch up. In fact they can't.

    They have lived in a world where they themselves were almost invisible, where the powerful decided what was and wasn't true, and as long as they behaved and didn't challenge what they were given, they were kept on as trusted courtiers with privileged access to big events.

    Bloggers are on completely the opposite basis. They say what makes sense to them , or doesn't make sense, regardless of the wishes of the powerful. They have no desire to become courtiers or have privileged access.

    The MSM does not want to acknowledge that audience feedback via blogs has cut away their privileged position. Yet that is what is happening.

    Images such as that of Blair, once protected by every MSM courtier, who desired promotion, can now be smashed to pieces on Guido to the delight and cheers that once attended the dismembering of the French aristocracy. Untruth or corruptness, previously carefully defended, can now instantly send a political career reeling.

    The MSM are left standing, clinging like limpets to the traditionally powerful, and yet unable to stop the power of exposure and open discussion in blogs. The power that Blair could exercise in 2003, sending the country to war against the opinion of his own party, public opinion and intelligence experts, was all based on the sycophancy of the MSM.

    It is now dead, not because the MSM is not willing to continue with the corruption of their role as was at its highpoint under BLair in 2003, but because the instant feedback of the blogosphere now enables ordinary people to connect to the truth without even referring to the previous assumed cultural lines of authority, which were first elected representatives and second their media associates.

    Once known as the fourth estate, they are becoming as moribund as the horse drawn plough once the diesel engine arrived in the countryside, or the cavalry after the invention of the tank and the machine gun. From being at the very pinnacle and assumed to carry the authority of respected government, overnight they have literally nowhere to go, except down.

    They are as despised as the elected representatives whose bidding they have done, all the while that our country has wrecked itself in useless unjustifiable unwinnable wars, and our economy is wrecked with massive unjustifiable debts, to which they didn't even say boo.

    Blogs give people hope and carry the authority that once pertained to such institutions as The Times of The Telegraph. The change has been so fast that few have taken on board what is happening.

    Blogs are trusted. Newspapers and TV are not. Simples.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Re David Laws and the BBC.

    As a blogger you only had to establish the fact that Laws had resigned which takes seconds.

    The BBC however had to decide how to spin the story, so as to achieve maximum political impact from it. This might have entailed getting hold of someone for hierarchical authority to spin the story a certain way. That's what would have taken a hour and a quarter to work out.

    But why do we need the BBC to be spinning the story anyway? The simple information that he had resigned was enough to inform the nation.

    They don't like leaving anything to chance. Every news item has to be fitted into the authorised news narratives. That's why BBC news comes over as phoney, and Iain Dale's fast release narrative-free news comes over as genuine.
