Saturday, October 23, 2010

Tim Nice And Northern

This video is truly brilliant. Tim Farron is the LibDem MP who ousted Tim Collins in 2005, and you can see why. He's now standing to be the president of the Liberal Democrats against Susan Kramer. If I was her, I'd be worried. Forget some of the anti Thatcher rhetoric (I usually try to) in the video, just concentrate on the message he is putting over to his electorate - LibDem members up and down the country. And from what I can see he did the whole thing in a single take. Word perfect. Fluent. Articulate. And a bit northern.

Norfolk Blogger is not a fan of the coalition. At all. He hadn't been intending to cast a vote in the LibDem presidential election. He will now. For Tim Farron. If he can make this video truly viral, Farron may well do much better than many were predicting.

I'm glad to aid and abet him. Not because I agree with all of what he says. But I can recognise a brilliant campaign video when I see one.


  1. I think there was a cut at 1.06-1.08 (the video cuts to ducks, and there's a slight jar in the audio). There's another cut in the video at 2.32-33: the video cuts to the marina, and when it comes back to him he's noticeably further down the path than he was (look at the balcony).

    But there's nothing wrong with cuts!

  2. Pretty top banana; that's how it's done. Very good message delivery.

  3. I agree - a very powerful appeal. I counted three cuts (oh, that word again) during his talk so it likely wasn't done in one take. Even more impressive, given the polished nature of the final product, is that some of the artifacts in the video indicate it was taken with a mobile phone.

  4. Yep, I agree, a great campaign video.

    But But ...

    Turning on the Today program and feeling proud listening to Ming Campbell and Vince Cable.

    Nope, sorry, I simply don't get it.

    Maybe some can explain how feelings of pride can be generated being exposed to those windbags. :-)

  5. Tim is one of the most astonishing campaigners I've come across. He is absolutely genuine, and is tremendous at getting a message across. And he does make me proud to be a Lib Dem!

    Ashcroft was pouring money into his seat for this year's election, and what happened? Tim's majority went from 200 to over 12,000. Just incredible.

  6. I reckon we've just seen Nick Clegg's eventual successor.

  7. Hi guys. I made the video. You can see more of my work here: lots more tory bashing in it too :P
    or go to

  8. Oh and to saw your question. it was done in one take but I had to edit it down.

  9. I felt proud to be a Liberal Democrat too, for about a second. The trouble is I'm a Conservative who's proud of Margaret Thatcher and what she achieved in turning Britain around from a basket case into a high growth economy.

    All these jimmies want to spend more money. Yet all they do is ensure we earn less and less.

    Thatcher spent more than any of them, because she understood that wealth creation comes before the spending of the money.

    Try again Farrell. And see if you can understand why living standards in Britain rose after the 1980s that you remember so well, or do you?

  10. As a Lib Dem member, I've already voted for Tim. I had my ballot paper for barely an hour.

  11. I knew Tim rather well at University. I wonder if he can still quote Vic Reeves songs word perfect?

    "This year's work holiday was two weeks away in Greece..."

  12. or if the video fails you can always firebomb your opponent's offices

  13. or if the video fails you can always firebomb your opponent's offices

  14. Also his accent has really Northerned out since then as well.

  15. Top video and he seems like he can help the Coalition counter the BBC and media bias (they are the official opposition it seems)...but also top comment by Tapestry. I echo his everything he writes.

  16. ***I'm a Conservative who's proud of Margaret Thatcher and what she achieved in turning Britain around from a basket case into a high growth economy..."

    ...which manufactured nothing. Britain became a high growth economy in the same sense that people's houses became worth three times what they paid for them. Until easy credit disappeared and it became clear that all the high growth was built on sand.

  17. Cracker. I'd vote for him, whichever party.

  18. So - and to close down this thread - if Hitler had run a brilliant video you would have spread it around even if you did not agree with it?

  19. What made me very proud was winning a £50 bet from a Conservative friend who assured me there was no way Tim Farron could hold onto his wafer thin majority of 200 against the Tories. He won by 12,000!

    Anybody who has met Tim or seen him speak knows he is very good and extremely popular locally.

  20. I feel as if I have just been pursued down a waterfront by a dogmatic northerner wagging his finger at me. I wouldn't vote for him even if I agreed with his politics.

  21. There were two cutaways in the piece, allowing for skillful editing. Somebody got together a decent crew - a good camera man, a good sound man and a good director, and whoever edited it, did it with a light touch, and made sure it came in at 3 minutes.

    When the rest of the politicals are pumping out stuff that is longer - far too long, and insist on being photographed with fluffy kittens and a raft of token worthies, and then get it edited by someone in his bedroom with a hooky version of something they got free off the internet, it stands to reason that this guy is going to look like the Messiah.

    Apart from speaking "received generic Northern" Mr Farron's message is coherent and clear.

  22. 'Somebody got together a decent crew - a good camera man, a good sound man and a good director, and whoever edited it, did it with a light touch, and made sure it came in at 3 minutes.'

    Nope! Just two people... Johnny who posted earlier on this thread and a Lib Dem Councillor!

  23. Susan is great, but this guy is mustard. I voted for him straight away.

  24. Well Susan, bugger me! Get him a job at the BBC. It should be shown to everybody who is thinking of making a political video, as an exercise in how to do it.
