Thursday, October 21, 2010

Those Who Fund the Taliban Are Guilty of Treason

Sky News's Stuart Ramsey has made a fascinating report about the Taliban, with whom he has spent time in Afghanistan. It provided a remarkable insight into the way they operate. But there was one quite shocking thing that we learned from it and that is that, according to one of the Taliban representatives, Britain is the leading funder of the Taliban with contributions wending their way to them via British mosques.

Now of course this could just be propaganda, and the Taliban are very good at propaganda, but if there is a scintilla of truth in it we need to find out how this happening, who is facilitating it and then prosecute them. For treason.


  1. You seem surprised to learn of this; why? I thought that it was common knowledge that the Ummah supports itself.

  2. and those western agencies that created the Taliban are they also guilty of treason?

  3. Quite. It's a pity the death penalty has gone.

  4. Of course it's treason. What ever went before is not important. It's about time someone put a stop to the garbage that is going on in these mosques. Stop them bringing in Imans from abroad. They must be educated here. This is also why faith schools should be subject to Ofsted inspections. I believe the govt may be letting them opt out, which is a mistake. Personally I think all faith schools should be closed because they create divsion in society

  5. Surely heroin addicts are also funding the taliban? And motorists are indirectly funding them by buying petrol which is made from oil which bankrolls corrupt Middle-East regimes.

  6. Perfectly believable. It mirrors the way in which the IRA was supported from the USA "Irish" and the Tamil Tigers from England and Germany.

  7. @ londonmuslim

    I recommend looking up the definition of treason, dear boy. It seems to have escaped your education, like the use of capital letters to start sentences.

  8. But the muslims have won. Sharia Law is tolerated in this country. Female circumcision is tolerated. The Basque is tolerated. Those with evil intent against this country are allowed to live here.Their Halal meat is sold, without any debate, in supermarkets etc. They are protected by the security services. If there is a street disturbance between white and muslim who gets arrested?

    Sorry, we have lost.

    I would not be surprised to learn that all the millions of our money going into Afghanistan is going straight to the Taliban.

    We need iron men in charge.

  9. How treason be successfully prosecuted in the multikulti wonderland foisted on England by equally traitorous Quislings?

    As the ancestors of the Taliban was mentored and part-funded by "western agencies" to fight the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan, how could their actions be considered to be treasonous? The behaviour of the corrupt governments of Pakistan and the Middle East who fund Islamic terrorists on the one hand and suck up to the West for aid (jizziya) and protection on the other, ie taqiyya, deserves nothing but contempt.

  10. Treason? Really?

    If a superpower and its allies invaded this country, I like to think that I would be right in there, killing and maiming as many of their troops as possible. I think that you would, too. Or would you be happy to put on an armband and start enforcing the invaders' justice? Which side would you have been on, if that were to have happened in 1940?

    The retributive action into Afghanistan was always morally justified, in a way in which the Iraq campaign was not. Nevertheless, it was and is an invasion. Were the Afghans supposed to welcome it? With their track-record of resistance, to Britain and Russia, over 2 centuries, they could be relied upon to make life as hard as possible for us.

    I regret every single death and maiming of our troops, and our civilians, but I'm far from surprised by them.

  11. Um,
    When I saw this report on Sky News. I was slightly shocked but not surprised. With the nu-labour project of trying to destroy the ability of the conservatives getting into power, on their own. Its a natural consequence of this action.

    Just look at the shambles that is Tower Hamlets - the town hall is run by the Mosque. Its thanks to Labour treason that is happening.

    With regards to the CIA backed Taliban - do you really think we are all idiots. Like all times in frontier history the tribes use global politics to help them keep their independence - no harm there.

    Its our chucking out the history books which has led us not understanding this. Thank you MR Blair!

    Lets follow Mrs Merkel - everyone must speak the language with public bodies - why are we wasting such much on keeping these people apart either they want to be part of British society or they do not want it.

    Yes allow them to keep their traditions but not at public expense - indeed if they had to pay for this - there would be no funds to pay for roadside bombs.

  12. What's the use? Nothing will be done - nothing ever is. Depressing.

  13. What's the point? Nothing will be done - nothing ever is. Depressing.

  14. No: the Taliban is not a government and we are not at war with it. So this is not treason. It may be criminal to send them money but I would like to know what the crime is.

    ‘ . . There have been no prosecutions for an offence of treason since 1981. This may be partly because acts of treason are committed rarely, but it is also likely to be due at least in part to the difficulty in prosecuting the offence, due to its being couched in archaic language of ambiguous ambit.

    Complexities arise not only in respect of who may be said to owe the duty of allegiance, but also, for example, in relation to the meaning of the King’s enemies and whether a state of war recognised in international law is necessary for the offence to have been committed . . ‘

    Lord Goldsmith, 2008

  15. This is why foreign aid is a two-edged sword

    The starry-eyed proponents need to know that is is often misdirected/abused

    Wasn't it Lenin who said 'The Capitalists will sell us the rope with which we will hang them'?

  16. It's all a matter of timing rather than treason. In the 80's Britain and America funded them lavishly.
    Bit like Toll Charges on the Dartford Tunnel and Bridge eh Iain?

  17. Islam is the primary instrument of Satan's power on earth and just as Jesus was God's projection of himself into our dimension so was Muhammad Satan's.

  18. While we're at it, can we launch an nuclear assault on the USA for the funding of IRA. If you're not with us, you;re against us...

  19. Seriously ... you are surprised by this? Next you'll be telling me that you didn't realise that huge proportions of the muslim community believe that 9/11 was some sort of US/Israeli conspiracy used as a pretext to go to war with them.

  20. @london muslim....the taliban were created by saudi money paying for all the madrassas that promulgate the vicious wahabi interpretation of islam. lest there be any doubt perhaps a hadith, one of the sayings of the prophet might explain where their particular brand of reasoned enlightened justice came from....

    'Narrated Abdullah ibn Umar: Some people raided the camels of the Prophet (peace_be_upon_him), drove them off, and apostatised. They killed the herdsman of the Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) who was a believer. He (the Prophet) sent (people) in pursuit of them and they were caught. He had their hands and feet cut off, and their eyes put out. '

  21. The problems are that there's no real evidence which a Court would entertain, the legislation is crass, there's almost no will to take action either. Politicians are terrified of the Muslim population. I bet if they were white middle-class 'activists' they'd be banged up in Belmarsh right now.

    It's time for the Muslim 'community' to be held to account for its actions. Where is the outraged condemnation of such support? When do we get to hear such condemnation from its leaders - and, for that matter, people like Harman, Straw etc etc? By their silence they are complicit.

  22. Was BCCI too long ago for that lot to hang as well?

  23. Oh, and here's some other things that you may find surprising.
    What do British Muslims think?

  24. No doubt this money is supplied by the Government in grants to the mosques...

  25. Tou are quite right that this is treason.

    That nobody in government or Parliament is willing to mention it is at least a breach of their duty.

    Personally I would consider that anybody involved in such a Mosque who has not gone to the police has demonstrated sufficient lack of loyalty to the country that they should be deprived of citizenship & deported. A nation can & should require that citizens have a significant loyalty to the demos otherwise they have no right to be part of it.

  26. So gullible..

    Here is a little test for all the Neo Cons.

    Who did the CIA describe as an "intelligence asset" in Afghanistan and I'll give you a little clue his first name Is Osama.

    Thought you would also like to read about some more acts of treason from Brits supporting the Taliban

  27. What I found most interesting about Sky's package was the response from the Right and, in particular, the Murdoch press.

    Can you imagine what the Sun would be saying if the BBC had met with the Taliban, given them a platform to put forward their views and, most of all, FILMED THEM PLANTING A BOMB designed to kill British soldiers?

    I suspect the big story wouldn't be about unverified claims made by a Taliban commander.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. The reason the BBC could not do this story, is the amount of staff that they would need to cover the story. It would be near 50. Expenses you know!!

  30. @Duncan Cookson
    What does MEH stand for, or is it a Taliban word?

  31. @ londonmuslim

    So all these Taliban people are incapable of any form of rational thought and free will? They're all forced to be terrorists aren't they?

    Normally they'd be simple harmless farming peasants, tending their sheep and goats and crops of wheat and rice. Of course they would. They're just peaceable and well-meaning, after all.

    Nobody 'creates' terrorists. It's something they choose to do. You might just as well say that those involved in Slavery or the IRA were 'created'.

  32. “Treason doth never prosper: what's the reason? For if it prosper, none dare call it treason”

    John Harrington

    As long as our Muslim population feel they - or their 'brothers' -prosper, they will never feel that what they do is treasonous. Our Gov needs the guts to say it isn't so; that what they do IS treason.

    But then, by the time the Gov gets and backbone it will all be too late!

  33. @strapworld: "The Basque is tolerated."

    Fair enough. It's a type of lingerie...

  34. "Perfectly believable. It mirrors the way in which the IRA was supported from the USA "Irish" and the Tamil Tigers from England and Germany."

    Not to mention various unsavoury Central American and African outfits by those fun-loving chaps at the FCS.

  35. @strapworld: "The Basque is tolerated." - Fair enough. It's a type of lingerie...

    Truth in jest. Ever found any Muslim porn on the net have you? Full veil and no knickers?

    Thought not.

    No, these guys jerk off at the thought of blowing women up.

  36. To Richard and strapworld, you are right. We are all fucking doomed in what the last Labour government has reduced to a shitty, pathetic little country.

  37. It is interesting this, because most of the media have long claimed that Taliban funding is coming from Saudis and other "wealthy Arab" sources. I've long thought it likely that it's mostly coming from Islamic circles in Western Europe and very likely the bulk of that from Pakistani sources in England. (Note that one should not paint all Moslems here with the same brush - the Bangladeshis I've spoken with here seem very against the whole Taliban thing.)

    There are three crucial steps the government should be taking. (1) Remove the passports from the families of anyone who is found to have "served" in Afghanistan for the Taliban or it's allies. (2) Shut down banking and Western-union type connections between Britain and Pakistan. Effectively this would terminate legal trade between the UK and Pakistan but if we are truly at war, this is what is now needed. Nobody would have allowed business as usual with Nazi Germany during the war. (3) Anyone travelling to Pakistan needs to be body searched to ensure they are not carrying large amounts of currency with them.

    The alternative to the above measures would be a presumption that this is not actually a war, it is something else short of a war. This, sadly, is in fact the case. Which slightly begs the question of why hundreds of our soldiers are dying and being severely injured out there.

  38. "Remove the passports from the families of anyone who is found to have "served" in Afghanistan for the Taliban or it's allies."

    Is your nom de plume intended ironically?

  39. Jimmy, I was attempting to draw a contrast between very typical wartime measures and those operating vis-a-vis Pakistan/Afghanistan. My point is that this is not a proper war and nor is it being conducted as a proper war - it is a mess of confused half-measures, improperly thought through interventions, strategies with no hope of success and a completely incredible programme that is utterly unlikely to succeed.

    Given the above, the fact we have service people being killed and maimed every other day seems rather depressing, given that our government have no ability to prosecute the war properly.

    I really wish the Coalition would grasp the bullet properly and either pull out or urge the US to invade the Taliban-controlled areas of Pakistan and wipe the Madrassas off the face of the map. This latter would of course involve a savage crackdown on our resident Pakistani population, a significant number of whom eagerly support the Taliban. This also can't be done. Hence the only rational course is urgent withdrawal.
