Thursday, October 14, 2010

(Second) Quote of the Day

"Sadly I have to accept that tonight
the Lady is not for returning."

Lady Thatcher, explaining that due to illness she was unable to attend tonight's party in her honour at Number Ten Downing Street.


  1. Heartening to know that even in these times of austerity the tories can still find money in the kitty to give each other birthday parties.

  2. Jimmy, your predictable sarcastic comment does not hearten me.
    Genuine question: why did you post it?
    Before you ask, I have never voted Conservative in my life. But I have more time for those of all parties who engage in the political process, rather than sitting on the sidelines sneering.

  3. Hamish,

    I assure you I have often participated in the process and it is in no way inconsistent with sneering, as you put it.

    Quite apart from using No 10 for a party function, throwing a shindig for a crony at public expense when your cutting people's benefits is in poor taste. You want to buy the old bat dinner, fine. Go out and do it.

  4. "Quite apart from using No 10 for a party function, throwing a shindig for a crony at public expense when your cutting people's benefits is in poor taste. You want to buy the old bat dinner, fine. Go out and do it."

    Ok when the Labour Party does it of course.....

    The inability of some 'democrats' to get beyond their prejudices does amuse me

  5. "when your cutting people's benefits"

    should "...when you're..." or "when you are..." not "...when your...".

    Anyway, whose benefits have been cut?
