Friday, October 29, 2010

Quote of the Day

"PM says he "hit the phones" at EU summit yesterday. A nice change from the last PM, who used to hit people with phones."
Nigel Fletcher on Cameron's EU negotiations


  1. not true though, is it

  2. He'll need to hit the deck soon to miss the amount of stuff his backbenchers are going to throw at him.

  3. Hail the conquering hero. Another Tory triumph in Brussels. If he'd used the phones and stayed at home we could have been saved the air fare.

  4. I would actually prefer it if Dave lost his temper and showed a bit of fight.

    Claiming a 2.9% INCREASE in the EU budget as a success shows that he is as useless as Gordon was at protecting our interests and getting the EU bureaucrats to live in the real world. What a joke...

  5. If Cameron was a sensible, realistic Eurosceptic he would admit that the 2.9% grab would have paid for the Harrier force, ie working carriers, more Chinooks and Nimrod. Funny how money can be borrowed for certain priorities.

  6. @Right Hon

    At least he gor some reduction. Gormless Gordon would probably jave got it doubled.

  7. MikeyP said:
    At least he gor some reduction. Gormless Gordon would probably jave got it doubled.

    I stand corrected MikeyP. In our glorious leader's own modest words he has "succeeded spectacularly". If that was a success I
    hate to think what he considers a failure to be.

    Sorry... it's just spin, and very poor spin. Surprised that anyone is gullible to be taken in by it.

  8. I fear that Cameron may well go down in history just ahead of Gordon Brown as one of the worst-ever Prime Ministers. Brown was evil, barking and dishonest, Cameron is just plain incompetent, and dishonest.
