Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Quote of the Day

“Tell David Cameron that if he screws up my beloved NHS I’ll come back and bloody haunt him.”

Agony Aunt Claire Rayner's last words


  1. And if she doesn't come back and haunt him, then that is an endorsement of the NHS reforms?

    I can't wait for someone to ask the Prime Minister if he is being haunted by Claire Rayner in the run up to the next election.

  2. Ghastly, pompous and insufferable woman.

  3. The problem is that as quickly as morons like her are dumped from the gene pool someone in a sink estate replaces them with two.

  4. It was NOT her National Health Service.It belonged to us all.Any way towards the end she went private,typical Nu Labour attitude and their hypocrisy

  5. Sorry she`s died and all that but dont think I have ever heard anyone so pompous and up herself as she was..Insufferable is right

  6. How do we know these were actually her last words? Sounds all very theatrical. You would think her last words would be farewell to her loved ones, not grandstanding to an audience, on auto-cue?

    I'm more convinced by George V's last words, upon being told that he would soon be well enough to revisit the town, were "Bugger Bognor! ...

  7. She was an atheist so how can she also have believed in an after life?

  8. "Silly dead cow"

    "...morons like her are dumped from the gene pool..."

    "May she rot in hell"

    It seems the windowlickers have decided there's life beyond Gudio. Just to be clear, Claire Rayner was an agony aunt, not the Yorkshire Ripper.

  9. De mortuis nihil nisi bonum, so nihil is in order.

  10. @Charlotte Corday

    Hadn't you heard; atheists get to come back as choirboys in Ireland. The Catholic Church always has the last laugh.

    Oh and Jabba the Cat, if you're going to wish someone rot in hell, at least have the guts to say so and not hide behind a weasly set of initials
