Friday, October 01, 2010

Nick Clegg: The Biography

I'm excited to announce that BiteBack will be publishing the first biography of the Deputy Prime Minister, Nick Clegg, in the summer of 2011. So far the book only has a working title, “Nick Clegg: The Biography”, it will chart Nick Clegg’s early years right up until the AV referendum and find out exactly who is the man behind the politician.

Chris Bowers will be the author of the biography. Bowers, 49, is a journalist and commentator, and author of the recent best-selling biography of the tennis ace Roger Federer. He also works as a communications consultant for the European Federation for Transport & Environment and is a Lib Dem district councillor in East Sussex, working loosely with Clegg on revising the Lib Dems’ environment policy in the run-up to the last Lib Dem leadership election.

Bowers is an experienced biographer and will provide a comprehensive account of Nick Clegg’s life. Bowers will start with Clegg’s time at Westminster School, tracing his rise through the Lib Dem ranks until his eventual appointment as Deputy Prime Minister, and will culminate in the result of AV referendum.


  1. Who would want to read a book about Nick Clegg?

    There are some funny people around!

  2. So the author, whatever his abilities, is actually a LibDim careerist with a penchant for eco-wackery and things European. That should ensure an objective, dispassionate, balanced account, shouldn't it?

    Presumably you will be changing the title to "Nick Clegg: The Hagiography".......

    Now if it was by Tom Bowyer, that would be very different.

  3. You get excited way too easily Iain. Who on earth is going to read about Clegg - other than you and maybe his new and bestest pal DC?

  4. Is this going to be a Jilly Cooper type pot boiler then Iain....You cant surely leave his shagging exploits out...its pretty much how he came to be know.

  5. @ Goodwin

    Be fair to Mr Dale: "Boring Book About Boring Man - Can't Think of a Title Yet" isn't exactly going to shift too many copies. With the master of promotional guff on the case I think we're looking at sales well into double figures.

    Be fair to Mr Clegg too. Who'd want to read a book about Mr Cameron or Mr Miliband (E) either?

  6. "Bowers will start with Clegg’s time at Westminster School"

    Wasn't he in the same year as the Pogues Shane MacGowan?

  7. There must be enough material about Nick Clegg's life to fill ooh at least 10 pages....

    I can't wait!
