Sunday, October 10, 2010

The Labour Front Bench in Full - Contain Your Excitement!

I've just looked through the full list of Ed Miliband's shadow ministerial appointments. With some notable exceptions, it is a list full of has beens and probable never was's. And it is a very Brownite list, with no places for some notable MPs of the Blairite persuasion.

No Ben Bradshaw. No Pat McFadden. No David Cairns. No Tom Harris.

But we can all rest easy in the knowledge that Kerry McCarthy has been promoted to a shadow Treasury post - and that Jack Dromey will be covering local government.

Here's the full list...

Leader of the Opposition Rt Hon Ed Miliband MP
PPS to the Leader of the Opposition Anne McGuire MP
PPS to the Leader of the Opposition Chuka Umunna MP

International Development

Shadow Secretary of State for International Development Rt Hon Harriet Harman MP
Mark Lazarowicz MP
Rushanara Ali MP

HM Treasury

Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer Rt Hon Alan Johnson MP
Shadow Chief Secretary to the Treasury Angela Eagle MP
David Hanson MP
Chris Leslie MP
Kerry McCarthy MP

Foreign and Commonwealth Office

Shadow Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs Rt Hon Yvette Cooper MP
Rt Hon John Spellar MP
Wayne David MP
Stephen Twigg MP
Emma Reynolds MP

Government Equalities Office

Shadow Minister for Women and Equalities Rt Hon Yvette Cooper MP
Fiona MacTaggart MP

Home Office

Shadow Secretary of State for the Home Department Rt Hon Ed Balls MP
Vernon Coaker MP
Phil Woolas MP
Gerry Sutcliffe MP
Diana Johnson MP
Shabana Mahmood MP

Department for Education

Shadow Secretary of State for Education and Election Coordinator Rt Hon Andy Burnham MP
Kevin Brennan MP
Sharon Hodgson MP
Iain Wright MP
Toby Perkins MP

Ministry of Justice

Shadow Lord Chancellor, Shadow Secretary of State for Justice (with responsibility for political and constitutional reform) Rt Hon Sadiq Khan MP
Shadow Minister (Political and Constitutional Reform) Chris Bryant MP
Helen Goodman MP
Andy Slaughter MP
Rob Flello MP

Department for Work and Pensions

Shadow Secretary of State for Work and Pensions Rt Hon Douglas Alexander MP
Stephen Timms MP
Karen Buck MP
Margaret Curran MP
Rachel Reeves MP

Department for Business, Innovation and Skills

Shadow Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills Rt Hon John Denham MP
Gareth Thomas MP
Ian Lucas MP
Gordon Banks MP
Gordon Marsden MP
Nia Griffith MP
Chi Onwurah MP

Department of Health

Shadow Secretary of State for Health Rt Hon John Healey MP
Shadow Minister (Public Health) Diane Abbott MP
Emily Thornberry MP
Derek Twigg MP
Liz Kendall MP

Department for Communities and Local Government

Shadow Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government Rt Hon Caroline Flint MP
Alison Seabeck MP
Barbara Keeley MP
Jack Dromey MP
Chris Williamson MP

Ministry of Defence

Shadow Secretary of State for Defence Rt Hon Jim Murphy MP
Kevan Jones MP
Russell Brown MP
Michael Dugher MP
Gemma Doyle MP

Department for Energy and Climate Change

Shadow Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change Meg Hillier MP
Huw Irranca-Davies
Luciana Berger MP

Office of the Leader of the House of Commons

Shadow Leader of the House of Commons Rt Hon Hilary Benn MP
Shadow Deputy Leader of the House of Commons Helen Jones MP

Department for Transport

Shadow Secretary of State for Transport Maria Eagle MP
Jim Fitzpatrick MP
Andrew Gwynne MP
John Woodcock MP

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

Shadow Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Mary Creagh MP
Willie Bain MP
Jamie Reed MP
Peter Soulsby MP

Northern Ireland

Shadow Secretary of State for Northern Ireland Rt Hon Shaun Woodward MP
Eric Joyce MP

Scotland Office

Shadow Secretary of State for Scotland Ann McKechin MP
Tom Greatrex MP


Shadow Secretary of State for Wales Rt Hon Peter Hain MP
Owen Smith MP

Culture, Media and Sport

Shadow Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport Ivan Lewis MP
Shadow Minister for the Olympics Rt Hon Tessa Jowell MP
Ian Austin MP
Gloria De Piero MP

Shadow Leader of the House of Lords

Shadow Leader of the House of Lords Rt Hon Baroness Royall of Blaisdon


Shadow Minister for the Olympics Rt Hon Tessa Jowell MP

Cabinet office

Shadow Minister for the Cabinet Office Rt Hon Liam Byrne MP
Shadow Minister of State – Cabinet Office Jon Trickett MP
Roberta Blackman-Woods MP

Law Officers

Shadow Attorney-General Rt Hon Baroness Scotland
Shadow Solicitor-General Catherine McKinnell MP

Whips Office (Commons)

Opposition Chief Whip Rt Hon Rosie Winterton MP
Deputy Chief Whip Alan Campbell MP
Pairing Whip Tony Cunningham MP
Whip Lyn Brown MP
Whip Mark Tami MP
Whip David Wright MP
Assistant Whip Stephen Pound MP
Assistant Whip David Hamilton MP
Assistant Whip Dave Anderson MP
Assistant Whip Angela C Smith MP
Assistant Whip Phil Wilson MP
Assistant Whip Lillian Greenwood MP
Assistant Whip Jonathan Reynolds MP
Assistant Whip Graham Jones MP

Whips Office (Lords)

Lords Chief Whip Rt Hon Lord Bassam of Brighton


  1. There'll be a run on "Opposition Spokesmen For Dummies" books, no doubt.

  2. Kevan Jones back in defence - he's an absolutely nasty piece of work who briefed against ANYONE military or civilian who opposed him. Did not care AT ALL about soldiers but happy to pose for pictures. MoD staff were sooo glad when he went! And with charges pending about his epxenses yet again how can S Khan Esq be given a role shadowing justice? This is a temporary cabinet - once he's consolidated his hold, most of these clowns will be out and replaced by Ed's mates. Then again there is a serious lack of talent and experience of anything other than political/union work amongst the Labour crowd 8-)

  3. Phil Woolas shadowing at the Home Office. If he's shadowing immigration then that's ludicrous.

  4. MoD
    Gemma Doyle MP

    Jesus wept, this really is struggling to fill the seats.

    Elected as my local MP in May, I wrote to immediately afterwards asking if she would support a coalition with the LibDems.
    I got a canned response asking to confirm I was a constituent, which was surprinsing given I'd given my name and address in the initial correspondence. Turns out she was parachuted into the seat as a reward for being a loyal party worker, and I guess this is just another way of showing due appreciation.
    Quite what a 28 year old who has never held a job outwith the closed world of the political system can offer, who know, but that argument is probably applicaable to many on both sides of the house.

  5. "And with charges pending about his epxenses yet again how can S Khan Esq"

    Charges? Do tell.

  6. Why does the Leader of the Labour Party require two PPS when the Prime Minister gets by with just one? Or is it just to be seen to be giving "The British Obama" a job?

    This list will also probably mean vacancies on select committes, only a couple if they stick to the convention that junior shadow ministers can be on select committees they do not speak for, or quite a few if that convention is not followed.

  7. Richard Gadsden said...
    Phil Woolas shadowing at the Home Office. If he's shadowing immigration then that's ludicrous.

    Phil Woolas was very tough on immigration.......for Ghurkas.

  8. Brownite shadow cabinet = more of the same = Labour lose next election.

    Suits me fine.

  9. Come now,Gerry57, Woolas has to be Shadow Immigration - if he got Shadow Prisons he'd have to declare an interest....

    But seriously, I'm astonished that Ed has given Woolas any sort of position. The court has not judged, but Woolas has admitted he sought "to make the white folk angry", that he faked photographs of his opponent that appeared to show him being led away by police, and that he used photographs of "mad moslems" to accuse his opponent of working with extremists and being in a "pact with a devil".

  10. Presumably reappointed whip David Wright has now published the results of his office's inquiry into how someone "tinkered with his tweets" in order to brand the Tories "scum-sucking pigs"?

  11. Interesting to see how some of the 2010 intake have been fast tracked - Chuka Umunna, Gloria de Piedro. Young and attractive looks like being the main selection criteria.

  12. I see Dromey has been parachuted into the Shadow Front Bench - it helps to have a wife in high places...

    Otherwise a lot of the same faces whose previous conduct does not inspire.

  13. Yvette BallScooper Shadow Womens...

    Has she declared an interest?

  14. What a lot of appointments. Do they really need 5 people shadowing each department? And 6 on the Home Office?

    I guess 14 whips means Special Ed's expecting trouble with the troops...
