Thursday, October 07, 2010

It shouldn't happen to an interviewer

You can read the full transcript of the interview HERE

Hattip: Political Scrapbook


  1. She really is clueless.

    There must be hundreds of people who would love her job who are more competent than her.

  2. you are right but can Kay Birley be in anyway described as an interviewer..?

  3. She really is a vacuous waste of space.

  4. Iain, you must have read a copy of my email to the SkyNews editor immediateley after I switched over to another channel in disgust at the non professional way that the interviewer was conducting herself.

  5. Good question. Who exactly is she? Anyone know?

  6. "Harry you’re live on the tele. You didn’t used to have 24 hour news
    when you first started in politics did you?"

    Personally, I would've walked away after that intro. How much more patronising can you get?

    A complete Oxygen thief.

  7. Of course the government's goal is to bring the BBC up to these lofty standards.

  8. She clearly thinks 'the Stafford Cripps' are a group of disabled people from the North Midlands.

  9. What a patheteic interviwewer. So unprofessional. Refelects Britains attitude regretably.Very slack.

  10. Sky's Kay Burley represents a strong argument in favour of the BBC licence fee...

    ... and so she must go.

  11. There's an audio recording of the whole interview (a few minutes longer than what you have here) on Guido's blog now, and it's excruciating - Fernhough goes on to make the point that he was a Bletchley Park codebreaker and is the author of several books in the face of KB's appallingly patronising tone; she just ploughs on as if she thinks she's talking to a slightly brain damaged toddler. I'm not sure whether the vacuity (the Stafford Cripps bit in particular had me chewing at the inside of my mouth) or the way she's patronising him is worse. Five minutes since I listened to it now, and I'm still visibly cringing.

  12. Bless her, she's nearly 50 and must have been up very early having that face put on. But a political reporter who has never heard of Sir Stafford Cripps is a joke. Is Kerry Katona free?

  13. Judging by the increase in the number of comments by dim and dimmer Leftists on these pages, maybe you could have an award each day/week for the a) Most Bigoted b) Most Dumb c) Most Intelligent comment by a Leftist that day/week.

    The award for c) could be a roll over.

  14. patronising, unprepared and an argument for the BBC. Adam Boulton must despair sometimes...

  15. Good God, that was so cringeworthy I had to turn it off halfway through.

  16. "She clearly thinks 'the Stafford Cripps' are a group of disabled people from the North Midlands."

    Whereas they are of course a violent Los Angeles based gang of Labour supporters.

    Don't wear blue in their 'hood.

  17. "She clearly thinks 'the Stafford Cripps' are a group of disabled people from the North Midlands."

    Whereas of course they are a notorious Los Angeles gang of Labour supporters.

    Don't go on their turf wearing blue...

  18. I expect no better from her to be honest.

    She's a very poor specimen for the human race.

  19. More power to the argument against Murdoch being allowed to increase his share of the news media.

    Clearly his resources are already very thinly stretched already. She really is shit isn't she?
