Saturday, October 02, 2010

How to Make an Old Man Feel ... Well, Old

Has anyone said something that’s ever made you feel really old? I mean, reeeeallly old. It happened to me on Thursday. My new assistant, Grant, suggested I should get tickets for an event at next week’s Tory Party conference. “Book, em, Danno!” I said. He looked blankly at me. “You know, “ I said. “Hawaii -5-0”. He continued to look as if I was talking a language only heard on the planet Zarg. And then it dawned on me. Not only had he never heard the catchphrase “Book em, Danno”, he had never heard of Hawaii-5-0. Not surprising really. The series finished in 1980, twelve years before Grant was born. I then went round the rest of the office and only one person had ever heard of it. I tell you, I felt ancient.


  1. As it happens, Iain, a new, "reimagined" version of the original series just been launched...

  2. My son was in his school jazz band and on the very last performance he did, the band played a selection of TV theme tunes. The parents lapped it up, calling for several encores. As the director of music reminded us - non of the players had heard the music before they started rehearsals!

    No doubt you will also tell us that policemen look very young too:-)

  3. you should take advantage of harman's law Iain. there is no doubt his fascitic cult of youthful ignorance has caused you considerable distress, and you have the right to take action through the courts to prevent a repeat of this disgraceful incident. of course this means you will in fact be suing the company you own for allowing this pernicious culture to develope, which is a bit of a downer, but Fiat Justitia!

  4. Gee, thanks a lot. Talk about spreading the misery - now I feel old as well!

  5. I'm just a couple of weeks older than you and I wouldn't have known what you were on about either! Not sure that such progs were the sort of thing to watch when you'd taken refuge in your bedroom since the age of 13 having taken a virtual vow of silence at home (an obviously genetic trait now repeating itself with Bardirect fils) listening to punk. If I'd been more into Cliff . . .

  6. Perhaps you should be feeling smugly ahead of the curve instead. Hawaii-50 has just been updated and broadcast in the US this week. Any year soon, it should be over here and you'll be down with the kids. Or maybe not.

  7. I only know "Book 'em, Danno" from Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey and other films... didn't know where it came from, have never heard it said to someone called, "Danno" who happens to be a police man :)

    Don't know if that *helps*, per se..

  8. Some ten years ago, I was hospitalized, having managed to smash up my knee in a bad fall. I remarked, in attempting to recover via frame and crutches, to experienced nurses, that it was silly to fuss as Douglas Bader had been in much more trying circumstances. They all looked at me blankly , not one recognised the name.

  9. Didn't you mean "Book'em Danno, murder 1"?

  10. According to "Police Inspector Blog", "5-0" is very current slang for the police amongst certain... communities.

    So I'd feel relieved your assistant doesn't know what it means.

  11. Iain, As someone of a similar age to you I prefer the term 'experienced' rather than old.

    Hawaii 5-0 is coming back. A new version started screening on CBS last month.

  12. You do know its been remade and is starting on bravo this month?


  13. A friend of mine who is an academic has an experience like that recently but with Blackadder. Quoting something from the show to a student he realised that none of his finalists actually knew Blackadder as they'd all been born in the early 90s!

  14. Tell him to check out the re-make episodes just started on US TV! Show him what he's been missing Danno!

  15. There is a new remake in the US:

    It has the same theme-music.

  16. Serves you right for getting an 18 year old assistant, you old git.

  17. I often, at sixty+, feel ancient. I wouldn't have a Facebook or Twitter account if they paid me, because I am REALLY old and value my privacy. You are, by that criteria, very modern. Stop worrying!

  18. Not sure if it's worse than the worst such experiences I've had (so far). One was been charged the 'senior citizen' rate at our local fish & chip shop - without even asking for it. The other was being offered a seat whilst standing in a crowded tube train...

  19. Hawaii 5-0 - a show best forgotten. At least we still how to do realistic cop TV.

    On the other hand our sit-coms have become appalling as they emulate the American styles.

  20. I enjoyed very much the recent BBC 4 play on the beginings of Coronation Street. All the characters and plotlines were familiar to me. But I haven't seen an episode since 1967...

  21. I felt old when someone I was talking to about music had never heard of David Bowie...

  22. Sinosimon: Also by suing his own company and winning, Iain will receive compensation tax free and have a company expense that is tax-deductible. it's a win win!

  23. Zed Victor One are you receiving? over.

    "Evening all"

    Hmm... Old cop shows are probably worth watching as history lessons now.

  24. The same happens to me all the time nowadays...

    Several commenters have mentioned the new series: as usual, a remake for the sake of doing so, as there wasn't much wrong with the original.

    Still, Daniel Dae-Kim is a reasonable actor even if he lacks the build of the original Chin Ho.

    It's a bit like getting Roger R Cross for The A-Team's B A Baracus: ethnically appropriate (and a very good actor, by the way) but the wrong 'shape' for the part!

    Fortunately, with modern technology, we are able to point the young 'uns to YouTube or other sources of the old classic series, so they can catch up with us.

  25. Thanks Paul, this one has the immortal words:

    It looks like pure hokum and a lot of fun.

  26. I was recently asked whether I minded working with young people (i.e. in their mid-20's).

    That hurt.

  27. im only 20 and ive heard of it... how can you go through life and not have heard of hawaii 5-0, admittedly ive never seen it but the point still stands

  28. Hawaii-5-0? 1980? Ancient? Planet Zarg?

    How do you think His Grace feels when he refers to the Act of Settlement?!

  29. I have a lollipop with your name on it which I will give you at conference to help you get over the shock of reaching middle age. Who loves ya baby?

  30. I'm 61 and have never heard the phrase but then I dislike film and don't own a television set. But my quiz team just won by a respectable margin tonights 1st round of the winter league (but I do have a guy on the team who knows about film and my other hate; sport!!). At least the young can learn. And it was amazing what my late father learned after I was about 25!

  31. I recently returned to the UK to live with widowed mother. She talks all day about events which took place seventy years ago. She's never heard of Hawaii 5-0 either.

    It must be a devil of a bit of music to start correctly on tempo. It is also one of the hardest to hum, although you really want to.

    Feel young because you know it is my advice.

  32. No wonder the world's in a mess. You youngsters should lighten up.

  33. You should have asked a question about Jason King and Department S in the interviews. Or "what colour wigs did the women wear in the second series of Space 1999?" Truly the Golden Age of Television!

  34. I've just been listening to Deutsche Welle, looking back 20 years to re-unification.They talked to school students who were now learning about the Wall as history, and who had no inner sense of two Germanies, only knowledge from books and teachers. Some generational gaps are more profound than others.

    Meanwhile, back in England, I assure you that the chief constables are getting younger.

  35. I was in US at the time when Jack Lord was trying to inject more life into
    “Hawaii -5-0”. During the week, I was busy working during the day from 8:00- 6:00 and was also taking courses at the University, and the classes ending around 10:00PM (graduate courses were -still are, always in the late evenings). During the breaks we used to hear in CBS the news ( the booming voice of Cronkite) about Nixon denying the Watergate break in knowledge. Also present was quiet voice of Peter Rodino, the Senator chairing the impeachment hearings, and one by one the characterters like Dean appearing to testify etc.. Very dismal stuff and the country then was desperate to move away from this weekly dismal dosage of news, and “Hawaii -5-0” episode appearing towards the end of each week,was a welcome break and hence attracted huge TV audiences. The episodes then were not good, but the theme music, the sands and the beach, and the escapist plots were a good distraction. Jack Lord was then said to be heavily in to religious belief of some kind. I liked Jack Lord in his part in Dr No,working naturally.

  36. i think your office must have poor pop culture knowledge. i was born after 1980, but am definitely familiar with the existence of hawaii 5-0!

  37. Ask them what they thought the references to "5-O" on The Wire meant.

  38. Try this one-
    Same Bat time,
    Same bat channel.

  39. Libertarian said...

    "Evening all"

    Hmm... Old cop shows are probably worth watching as history lessons now.

    I love watching some of the street scenes from films like "The Blue Lamp" - where are all the cars and the roads looks so wide!

  40. "Get your trousers on, you're nicked."
