Tuesday, October 19, 2010

How Ken Is Defending London From the Cuts

Guess where Labour's candidate for Mayor of London, Ken Livingstone, will be when the Comprehensive Spending Review is announced tomorrow? Defending London against the cuts? Manning the barricades?

Hardly. He will be sunning himself HERE. And being paid a handsome amount to do so.

By the way, it's 23 degrees in Malta.


  1. Shocking. After all politicians should never ever go on holiday.

  2. Idiot. He's not on holiday. He is being paid to speak at a travel conference. As the link makes clear.

  3. With a bit of luck he may not be the Labour Candidate much longer.

    I can dream.

  4. ah yes the famous "travel agent" ken livingstone!

  5. Well thank God heres there then. His wise words of wisdom are the sort we can all very well do without at times like this...

  6. Iain, you're slagging off a prominent politician who is not presently in a political job for taking up a speaking job.

    Hold on a minute, YOU are a prominent politician who is not presently in a political job. And you regularly do public speaking jobs. You even advertise yourself on the internet.

    Should we slag you off for this, or would it only be acceptable to do so if you were taking up a speaking opportunity in a warm mediterranean country?

  7. Fail. I am not a politician. I am not and never intend to stand for elected office.

  8. Oh, Iain, of course you're a politician.

    You are a frequent and much-in-demand commentator and speaker for your party. Only a few months ago you were pursuing candidacies, and you are one of the top Tories in the country, with a huge media profile. I have no doubt that despite your protestations you will continue to be a big noise on your party.

    Whatever else you might be, you are a politician through and through!

    Nothing to be ashamed of in this modern day and age. If only more politicians were prepared to stand up for who they are and make it clear that it is so much more than a life style choice, this world would be a better place. Young politicians, and indeed those who are presently just questioning and exploring, will thank you for it for generations to come!

  9. Kiera, I am not a speaker for the Conservative Party. I have done no speaking events since May or since I announced I wouldn't stand as a candidate again. Being a commentator is not being a politician. I have no interest any longer in a political career, as I have said before, and must have become evident from my writings.

    I make no secret that I would like to have had a political career but it wasn't to be and I have moved on.

    I know it suits left wingers to portray me as a tribal Tory politician, but I am afraid it won't wash any longer.
