Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Guido in 'Sleeping with Employee' Shock Revelation

Remember how I took Guido Fawkes to task for his insinuations about William Hague and his assistant, Chris Myers after they innocently shared a room together during the election campaign?

I interviewed blogger Harry Cole on LBC during the furore and reminded him of the time he shared not only a bedroom, but a bed, with fellow blogger Mike Rouse. He made the perfectly fair point that Mike wasn't his boss.

So what are we to make of the revelation that Guido Fawkes and his able seaman employee Harry Cole have been sharing bunks in a barge moored alongside the conference centre here in Birmingham.

I wonder if bargepoles are being touched...

Imagine it, a leading blogger banged to rights for rank hypocrisy. Who'd have thought it.

PS Please don't say it's not the same as the Hague situation because Guido isn't using taxpayers' money to pay Harry. Nor was Hague. It was before the Tories got into government.

UPDATE: Harry says there are two bedrooms on the barge. Bet he doesn't keep his door locked though :)

UPDATE: Guido and Harry have kindly provided this documentary evidence.... which, let's face it is rather more than they ever had for their original story!


  1. Unfortunately Guido is not running or campaigning for office, therefore having 'Harry on his boat' is not a crime any longer in the UK.

  2. It's different, of course it is. Everyone knows Guido's sexual predilections, but no-one openly discusses them, I really don't know why. Unless Guido has been gagging the press by legal means?

  3. Come off it Iain, there are differences. Hague was in a position to put Mr Myers onto the path of great riches by starting him out on a lucrative political career. Take him from the role of humble driver to SPAD in one giant leap. I am not sure Guido could do the same for Mr Cole.

    I don't really care if all of them, some of them or none of them are homosexual, it matters not one jot.

  4. Fraid there are two double bedrooms on the boat mr dale. And its not just me and paul. If you could ammend... ;) h

  5. Now Iain, do you mean Guido and Harry are sharing the same bunk or different bunk beds? Are you implying that Guido is having a homosexual relationship with Harry? Come on Iain, spit it out.ort

  6. Hague was then paying him as his SpAd, though, when no one else in that position had a SpAd and he was a 24 year old with no real experience. And my sources tell me that there were, allegedly, threats made to the employee in the hotel about it if he said anything.

  7. "after they innocently shared a room together during the election campaign"

    no laughing at the back please.....

  8. According to Guido, apparantly, his yacht/barge is now flying the jolly roger from its aft end!!!!...you couldnt make this stuff up could you...

  9. Who gives a shit?

    Please knock off these stupid gossip threads.

    And, not everyone can be defined by their sexuality. People are more than their sex urges.

  10. Scraping the barrel. Is Myers straight?

    Where is your assistant why isn't he stopping this blog from sinking?

    Nick Herbert being grilled by Victoria Derbyshire and squirming like Major's ministers by reciting the mantras.

  11. The question is just who turns off the light at night.....???

    Pam I misread your comments..I read it as "guido has been gagging ON the press..."
    In light of this 'revelation' perhaps it was a Fruedian slip on my part (not my 'PART')..
    Oh dear, I'm getting in such a tizzy...

  12. Couldn't resist sticking my take on this on my own blog, frankly. I do wonder who's going to be exposed next.

  13. So how cme the lead story on Tory's Bear's web site is for "Conference Pride" at Nightingale's Club last Sunday evening?

  14. Crikey Iain, there ain't half a lot of po-faced gits around this morning!

  15. . And its not just me and paul. If you could ammend... ;) h

    Oh... God! TB, I think you just potentially made it worse!

    "Bloggers in Barge Orgy!"

    I could write that headline, now! Oh. I just did! ;o))

    wv = joiness. Blogger/Google has a sense of humour, then...

  16. @ Fenrir

    "Hague was in a position to put Mr Myers onto the path of great riches by starting him out on a lucrative political career."

    And this is some sort of crime? What about all those who are in a similar position? Why is a 'political career' so different to any other? What about Alan Sugar's 'Apprentices'?

  17. Geez, I hope neither of them light a cigarette first thing in the morning - that barge could explode!

  18. What am I looking at here? It looks like Guido in bed with Nick Clegg and Toby Young.

  19. Where's the French secret service when you need them?

  20. "And my sources tell me that there were, allegedly, threats made to the employee in the hotel about it if he said anything."

    I would certainly hope so.

  21. "Fraid there are two double bedrooms on the boat mr dale. And its not just me and paul. If you could ammend... ;) h"

    Clearly Cole is there simply for his writing skills.

  22. It's a Narrowboat, not a "barge".

    Nevermind lurid exposes of Seaman Staines, what about Roger the Cabin Boy? Is that one of the crew or an activity? We must be told.

  23. Well done Iain you're keeping the Hague pot boiling nicely for Guido

  24. Am I alone in becoming bored with guido's fixation on the betting of who will be the first tory who has to resign from the government?
    I used to enjoy his blog but have given up with him.

  25. What's Billy Hague doing in bed with Guido and the Bear?

  26. I am so bored with Guido and his obsession with Hague I have given up reading his blog ...

  27. Despite the comments from Guido's moronic followers and from you, Iain, the true story was about corruption and patronage - not Hague's sexual orientation. Male or female, a SpAd being appointed despite having no previous experience is outrageous.

  28. Looks like William Hague on right, Nick Clegg in centre and Guido to left.

  29. Guido:(kisses Harry's Ear).
    Harry: (eyes open up) Guido!
    Guido: hrrmrmr
    Harry: Guido!
    Guido: Wharrt?
    Harry: Why did you kiss my ear?
    Guido: Why are you holding my hand?
    Harry: Where is your other hand?
    Guido: Between two pillows...
    Harry: THOSE AREN'T PILLOWS!!!!!
    BOTH: (leap out of bed and assume manly poses and strutting) ARRRRGGHG, EUEUEWWUWE, RRRRR! EUWW RRRUFFFF.RRRR.
    Harry: Did you see the Spurs game the other day?
    Guido: Yeah. Great game, great game...

    nicked from here, of course.

  30. This appears to be a photo of a crime scene, for if indeed one of these people is an employee of another then the presence of a cigarette is surely a contravention of The Smoke-free (Premises and Enforcement) Reg-yoo-lations 2006. This would only not be the case if the vessel or conveyance has 3 sides open to the air, but then it would be an elf'n'safety breach!
