Monday, September 06, 2010

Top 75 Liberal Democrat Blogs

Today Total Politics announces the top 75 Lib Dem blogs.

Click HERE to read the full list. Here's the Top 20

1 (2) LibDem Voice
2 (5) Mark Reckons
3 (7) Caron's Musings
4 (6) Liberal Vision
5 (36) Mark Pack
6 (8) Liberal England
7 (11) Stephen's Liberal Journal
8 (12) Jennie Rigg
9 (22) Always Win When You're Singing
10 (19) Andrew Reeves
11 (13) Cicero's Songs
12 Bureau of Sabotage
13 (10) Quaequam Blog
14 (15) Lynne Featherstone MP
15 (14) Millennium Dome Elephant
16 (60) A Lanson Boy
17 (17) Peter Black AM
18 (31) Fraser Macpherson
19 Men in Suits
20 (56) Max Atkinson

If your blog is one of the ones featured above, please feel free to put the following button in your sidebar and link it through to this post:

This list is the result of more than 2,200 people who voted in the Total Politics Annual Blog Poll during the second half of July.

Click on the blog to visit it.

All these lists, together with articles from leading blog commentators, will be published in the TOTAL POLITICS GUIDE TO POLITICAL BLOGGING, in association with APCO Worldwide. It will be published in October at £14.99. You can pre-order your copy HERE.

COMING NEXT: Top 100 Labour Blogs


  1. Shame about Mark Reckons.
    Gone at the peak.

  2. Who was the No1 Lib Dem blog last year and where have they gone!?

  3. Yes not sure you can put mark reckons in when he has given up blogging.

  4. If memory serves it was Charlotte Gore. But she's no longer a LibDem.

    While we're on the topic of political allegiances, I do hope the TP team took note of my emails telling them I'm a Labour blogger as well as a left of centre blogger these days ... We shall see.

  5. What is a Lib Dem.......... can't say I have seen one of them for a couple months.

    Perhaps you mean...Top' D

  6. 75 of them! Is that every LibDem?

    that asie when we will get to teh top 75 Plaid Cymru blogs? SNP? Green blogs [must be millions of those]? UKIP blogs? BNP blogs?

    Come on Iaian - fair does.

  7. @trevorsden Mark Reckons was blogging for the year in which votes were covering 2009-10. Also he announced he was retiring after many of us had cast our votes.

    Blogs are transient, he deserves the votes and the placing.

    Bit shocked this morning to discover I have another of my blogs in the rejigged top 75 though. Considering it is still in nappies.

  8. Does anyone know why Alix Mortimer seems to have stopped bloggng shortly after the election?
