Thursday, September 09, 2010

How To Deal With a Smart Arse Interviewer

This is Labour MP Chris Bryant taking Sky News interviewer Kay Burley to task over her idiot questions over the phone tapping issue. Good on him. I never understand why politicians don't hit back more often when they get smart arse questions from an interviewer who clearly hasn't done any research at all.


  1. I think there's summat up with the vertical and horizontal hold on that telly picture :-)

    Oh, and yeah, La Burley, in common with many other broadcast Ken and Barbie style news presenters, is a pretty good example of dimness.

  2. Ahhh yet another segment of the Murdoch media empire obediently leaps to the defence of its other tentacles.

  3. Kay Burley dim???????....Hmmm he knows her well then...

  4. Biteback indeed.

    In the genre of Zac Goldsmith.


    Let's go Australian, and have a full-on TV slugfest. Most refreshing. But Bryant used to send out porno pictures of himself on email or social network sites without being hacked (presumably).

  5. Well done Chris Bryant, KB tried to be Paxman lite and in fact isn't even Paxman vapid. More politicians should take charge when they are badly interviews and the premise behind a question is just wrong. Hopefully she'll get her facts right next time.

    There are plenty of her howlers, but you might remember the famous incident when she was forced to apologise on-air for offending Catholics when she joked that US Vice President Joe Biden, who had ashes on his forehead to mark Ash Wednesday, had a "large bruise" that he had picked up from "walking into a door" or from slipping on ice during his recent trip to Canada for the Winter Olympics.

    One of the best bits of TV for a while.

  6. Well done Chris Bryant, KB tried to be Paxman lite and in fact isn't even Paxman vapid. More politicians should take charge when they are badly interviews and the premise behind a question is just wrong. Hopefully she'll get her facts right next time.

    There are plenty of her howlers, but you might remember the famous incident when she was forced to apologise on-air for offending Catholics when she joked that US Vice President Joe Biden, who had ashes on his forehead to mark Ash Wednesday, had a "large bruise" that he had picked up from "walking into a door" or from slipping on ice during his recent trip to Canada for the Winter Olympics.

    One of the best bits of TV for a while.

  7. Probably because most of the politicians haven't done any research at all either!

  8. Iain you never fail to astonish me. I think you must be absolutely mad or are just taking Chris Bryants side because GAYS MUST STICK TOGETHER, YOU NEVER KNOW WHEN YOU MIGHT FANCY A CUDDLE.

    He was rude, showed himself up as a bully and rather extremely dumb parliamentarian.

  9. Yeah - good for Chris Bryant!
    @ Adam Collyer - more likely because most politicians have better manners than most TV journalists (what would I like to say to that self-important Paxman?!) and only make telling replies when sufficiently annoyed/insulted (as in "Mr Churchill - you're drunk, horribly drunk").
    Journalists seem to think that that the US constitution gives the godlike powers in the UK.

  10. He's an oaf and does his cause no good.

    Witness the grace with which Michael Howard parries questions on the Today programme today to see how one could use charm rather than self-righteous rudeness.

  11. I thought Kay Burley needed slapping down, but Chris Bryant was clumsy, rude and lowered himself below Kay in so doing.

    One gets the feeling he thinks it is "his turn".

    Tom Watson, MP, forgets that his gang have been sneering at the country for 13 years and he should know that it is our freedom to sneer that he is tasked with upholding. So suck it up.

  12. I too find 'Captain Underpants' some what arrogant and rude.

    .....And it is rather a poor and predictable insult.

  13. Sky has got one or two presenters and correspondents who are among the best.

    On the other hand, Kay Burley and Jeremy Thompson (ever listened to his phrasing) have become parodies of themselves.

  14. It's great to see her questions were rebutted so harshly. How ridiculous to go into the interview not even having read or understood the report. She clearly just wanted a quote on Coulson. Shame the camera did't show her face when she finally realised she wasn't going to get one.
