Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Have You Ever Seen a Blogger on a Bike

I just took my first ride on a Boris Bike from Embankment Gardens to Vincent Square. I'm hooked already. And no, I didn't fall off, I obeyed red lights and managed to frighten a Tory MP as I shouted at him near Parliament Square.

And you never thought you'd see this particular blogger on a bike, did you?


  1. Hell on Wheels. Still shouting at MPs of all hues is a very good thing. Let's just keep reminding them who is paying them.

  2. Good man. Getting some exercise and enjoying yourself.

    But I'm concerned at this "obeying red lights" thing. You'll never make a proper London cyclist doing that.

  3. Ah, but will you ride it naked down Whitehall Iain?

  4. Very good. Next you will be blogging about jogging.

  5. But did you have Shane Greer driving behind you in a car with all your paperwork?

    Anyway, I also use the bikes as they are a pleasant alternative to the tube if you are only going a few stops.

  6. Part of your slimming regime, I presume!

  7. You obeyed red lights. Gawd, the only cyclist in London who does then!!

  8. My answer to your last sentence is that I hadn't expected it, but "never thought" is too strong.

    I am pleased it has now happened, especially as you are obeying the rules of the road unlike many cyclists these days.

    I miss my times on a bike, but my eyesight is now too bad to cope, so I shall have to live off my memories and let the younger generation (i.e. you) take over where I left off...

  9. You must be really desperate for stories at the moment!

  10. re the red lights old chestnut - As a cyclist in London, you would be surprised at the amount of motorists who jump red lights. It's not just a cyclist thing.

  11. Didn't you feel really embarrassed waiting at the lights while all the other cyclists wizzed by?

  12. IanVisits - if he was only cycling for exercise then whats wrong with that?

    Except of course it exposes the limits of cycling - no luggage.

  13. Having seen Guido on a bike, nothing amazes me anymore lol

  14. Hi Iain,

    Glad you are enjoying the bikes. This blogger does bike; I've done it for three years in London and have always obeyed traffic rules, including red lights (people who moan about unruly cyclists exaggerate).

    I cycled without incident until Monday, when I got hit by a car while trying to stay between two lines of traffic. However, cycling in London is generally safe, give or take the odd dopey driver/pedestrian. Just remember you're often millimetres from disaster ;)

  15. I was just crossing Parliament Square this morning when some poxy cyclist started shouting at me. Calling me by my previous profession caught me out a bit.

    "Oi! Quango! You banker.." I thought I heard, but the traffic was very loud.

  16. John Precott is a blogger and he spent most of his life on a bike of one flavour or another...

  17. Could you not have had someone capture the moment on a camera so all your followers could share this unique moment,at least you did not fall off and cause much hilarity amongst the Westminster Village denizens.It would be even finnier if you had collided with Bill Quango ex MP
