Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Every Vote Counts for Diane. Not.

Readers may be interested to know that Diane Abbott is working hard on her campaign... having decided to spend the afternoon judging the EI Comment Awards.

Every vote counts...


  1. Ms Abbott also seems to have given up tweeting, as too has Mr Burnham. My latest survey, earlier today, came up with the following scores for the number of tweets appearing on Twitter in the previous few hours:

    1. D. Miliband 13
    2. E. Balls 8
    3. E. Miliband 7
    4= D. Abbott 0
    4= A. Burnham 0

    Other anoraks interested in keeping tabs on this gripping score card can do so @maxatkinson on Twitter.

  2. How ironic that a bloke who couldnt even get his name on a ballot paper for an election is taking the piss out of someone who is a candidate for Leader of the Opposition

  3. I must have borderline dyslexia or need more speedreading practice because I read the title as Every Count Votes for Diane. Except I misread Count and thought "that's a bit fruity for Iain Dale's Diary".

  4. I wasn't aware I ever tried to be leader of the opposition.

  5. Ms Abbott also seems to have given up tweeting, as too has Mr Burnham. My latest survey, earlier today, came up with the following scores for the number of tweets appearing on Twitter in the previous few hours:

    1. D. Miliband 13
    2. E. Balls 8
    3. E. Miliband 7
    4= D. Abbott 0
    4= A. Burnham 0

    Other anoraks interested in keeping tabs on this gripping score card can do so @maxatkinson on Twitter.

  6. @Bob Latchford

    I don't think you know what irony is ..

  7. @ Bob Latchford

    Oh, so you have to be able to do something before commenting? How's your football, or juggling, or cooking, or... anything at all?

  8. Which proves the truth of the saying that a Labour leadership candidate would attend the opening of an envelope.

  9. Yep, Diane has obviously thrown the towel in. What with that and her contretemps with Andrew Neal she's not doing very well these days, is she?

    Tragic, absolutely bleeding tragic. Still, at least she's not a blonde, blue-eyed Finnish girl - and her boy will probably benefit from his private education.

  10. Everyone sneers at Diane Abbot but, taking my Tory hat off for the moment, I think she's the best Labour candidate. She would shakeup Labour and re-mould it. The other four candidates are barely indistinguishable variants who will give Labour "more of the same": not good for Labour and not good for democracy.

  11. I'd laugh if she beats Balls

  12. Is anyone seriously bothered?????????
